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Why use HubSpot to complete my ERP?

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Finding the right tools to solve all your business needs is not always an easy task. There are hundreds of different systems that, both separately and together, can help you improve the productivity of your company.

Choosing the right system or systems for your business can be a challenge, but today we want to make this task a little easier for you and that's why we bring you the perfect solution: integrating HubSpot with your current ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

HubSpot is an excellent tool when it comes to providing teams with marketing insights, sales project management and page creation functions, but it doesn't always offer everything you need in its standard package. This is where your ERP comes in. Aspects such as project management, invoicing and time tracking often need to be added to the platform for business use.

And so the need to integrate HubSpot with your ERP system arises. But how exactly does this integration work?

Read on to find out.

how does HubSpot integrate with ERP systems?

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is software that manages a company's business processes, such as accounting and supply chain management, to unify business processes and enable better use of data for optimal decision making.

HubSpot is software for marketing, sales, customer service, content management and operations. It is an inbound marketing and sales CRM that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads and build customer loyalty. Its platform is cloud-based, so all your data is synchronised across computers and devices, while updates are instant and automatic.

While integrating HubSpot's CRM and ERP systems may seem like a daunting task, the rewards you can reap once completed make up for the whole process. The ERP software market is booming and has even been projected to be worth around $117 billion by 2030.

First of all, keep in mind that not all ERP systems are compatible with HubSpot CRM. Some of these integrations can be done using APIs, or other in-house ERP systems that require a large commitment from the development team to make them work.

For systems that are compatible with HubSpot, the platform will integrate seamlessly with them. This could be done by syncing contacts in a project management system, collecting data from smart lists, or linking properties to fields with custom mappings, among others.

Why you should hire HubSpot to complete your ERP system

Although HubSpot includes a wide range of functionalities, one of its biggest advantages is that it is incredibly easy to use. Users of the platform can create engaging profiles for their brands while managing communication channels with leads, prospects and customers.

By engaging HubSpot, you can track your company's performance and get a complete view of all team members' activities in a single dashboard. The platform is valuable enough when used on its own, and its integration with other applications makes it an extremely effective resource.

Sales and marketing teams will find the platform to be one of the best tools they've ever used, but despite all its features and the fact that it can be used seamlessly on its own, there are cases where it can be used in conjunction with other applications to provide all the functionality your business needs.

An ERP system is a natural complement to HubSpot's CRM. ERP solutions are often used to integrate other features that are not present in the platform, helping to achieve business performance while streamlining business processes.

Integrating HubSpot with your ERP is necessary to provide your company with the necessary tools that your business management system alone does not include, and vice versa. Both platforms feed back into each other and offer a set of essential functionalities to bring success to a company.

Benefits that HubSpot can bring to your ERP

Hiring HubSpot will not only help you to complete your company's business processes, but it also brings many other benefits:

  • It facilitates the organisation, follow-up and expansion of the pipeline.
  • Ensures collaboration between all departments.
  • It has a variety of tools that work perfectly with inbound marketing and the most innovative processes of the marketing department.
  • Boost your business growth.
  • Organise contact information, business and sales opportunities, as well as all interactions across multiple channels such as website, email, phone calls, social media and more.
  • Automate your business processes, which will reduce costs and improve productivity. HubSpot's automation tools allow you to avoid human error, which can often cause irreparable or costly damage to your organisation.

Connect your ERP with HubSpot CRM

As you can see, the benefits of integrating HubSpot with ERP systems are abysmal.

With the right software, you can efficiently and accurately delegate tasks, get crucial business data and essential insights that can help you close deals faster.

All you need to do is make sure the ERP system you have is compatible with HubSpot, so your business can reap the full benefits of integrating these two channels, and reap the benefits of a fully integrated CRM and ERP.

don't know where to start? We can help you get started, all you have to do is contact us and that's it!

We're here to help you with everything you need.

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