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why do Inbound at Occam Digital Agency?

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Firstly, because it works, and secondly, because the online world is the planet on which your customers move. They are digitally minded and live in a constant race to invent, discover, document and share products and services in order to be as different as possible and stand out from the competition. (Do you want it too?) Betting on Inbound Marketing is a wise decision. We tell you so and our Communication Director, Daniel Collado, and our Marketing Director, Javier Gutiérrez, confirm it.

A couple of months ago, we shared with you our first coffee marketing talk, where we discussed different topics about the methodology of the moment: Inbound. But today we have to ask the million-dollar question: Why do it with Occam?

Come on, come with us, we'll find out together. First of all..

why take the leap into Inbound Marketing?

To begin with, although this methodology began to appear about a decade ago, many people do not know what it is. Brands use mailing to send advertising information by mail to a large number of contacts (people) in a direct and personalised way, or even some automation tool, and confuse it with Inbound, without following the whole process. In reality, this methodology is not just mailing, content, SEO or any other strategy, but the set of all these actions focused on some objectives. And if possible, SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and with a specific timeframe).

So, if you are wondering why take the leap to Inbound Marketing, you should know that if you are carrying out any of these actions, you can now integrate them with this methodology and focus them on a common goal. Inbound will help you have a global picture of the strategy to make better decisions, improve the image of your brand, and, ultimately, carry out the entire process from a single platform that works with the spirit of Inbound Marketing: HubSpot.

Remember this:

  • To attract customers and increase your sales, it is no longer enough with the actions of the past .
  • The transition from Outbound to Inbound can be easily made with HubSpot.
  • The goal of marketing is no longer to sell, but to attract the user.

Let's face it, you need to orient all your marketing actions in a meaningful way. Watch the following video to find out what our marketing professional thinks about it and put an end to any doubts you may have.

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what does Occam have that no other Inbound agency has?

Good question... Let's start by introducing ourselves: we are Occam, a digital agency in Madrid that is in tune with changing consumer habits.

that companies need to increase their visibility and digital availability? We respond with the development of mobile applications. That written content is no longer enough to make users fall in love? We create video, which is the star format. That brands want to attract potential customers and increase their sales? We do Inbound Marketing.

how does working with us benefit them? As our services have been updated throughout 2019, we now offer a much more comprehensive and complete portfolio. This can be a good reason to work on your marketing strategy with Occam (as we can create your website, if you don't already have one), do Inbound with HubSpot (the founder of the methodology) and support the strategy with video (the most consumed format by customers today).

It is clear that habits have changed. It no longer makes sense to do what was done 20, 30 or 40 years ago if it no longer works. It is time to adapt, and Inbound Marketing does it perfectly. In the last 10 years, Smartphones have come into play, connections are increasingly faster, more people consume more on the internet, etc. Taking advantage of these advances, users consume more and more video on their mobile phones, so brands are joining the production of this format to support their marketing strategies and content. At Occam we are specialists in audiovisual production, so we can help you convince your potential customers with video.

Enter all the stages that your potential buyer, buyer persona or future client goes through, with content that is easy to consume and user-friendly. Following Javier Gutiérrez's example, "between reading a book and watching a film, the book is always better, but people always watch the film". With marketing, the same thing happens.

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who consumes video?

It's not just millennials anymore. Not even generation Z. Now, everyone consumes video when they think they can get information in a much more convenient way. Let's take advantage of all the possibilities of this format to enhance communication and increase the visibility of your brand. Video has chemistry with the flexibility and agility that Inbound offers, because it is not a stagnant methodology, but one that evolves and adapts to the change in society.

Moreover, it allows you to see the behaviour of your contacts, the impact of your marketing actions, make changes if necessary and adapt to what the visitor really expects from you.

do you already know why you should take the leap to Inbound with our digital agency? Ask without fear, dare to take the plunge.

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