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what is conversational marketing?

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Conversational marketing is a marketing technique that consists of establishing a much more direct communication with customers with the aim of obtaining a greater number of business opportunities. To achieve this, conversations are generated in real time, which provide a much more human and closer vision, which makes the customer feel more confident with the brand, as well as having a greater degree of accessibility. Now we tell you about its main advantages and how to implement it in your business.

¿Qué es el Marketing conversacional?

what are the main advantages of conversational marketing?

  1. Immediacy: The speed in answering the user's query is essential, as the customer has to feel that we are there to solve their doubts almost 24 hours a day.
  2. Closeness: The experience we offer the user with conversational marketing is that of a much more fluid and direct interaction, the user will feel that the experience is much more personalised and will have much more confidence in the company.
  3. Trust: If you manage to resolve customer queries in a personalised way and in the shortest possible time, they will increase their trust in us, as these conversations and this immediacy improve the brand image in the minds of our consumers.
  4. Better results: with conversational marketing we are accompanying the user through the entire purchasing process, helping them to decide and showing them that with us they will be able to resolve all their needs and desires. This will help when it comes to making the purchase, as the user will increasingly trust us more and more.
  5. Personalisation: It is essential that we address each person individually in a personalised way, that is to say, addressing them by name. It is also very important that they can ask specific questions about our products or services and get an answer accordingly.
  6. Complementary: Another of the advantages of conversational marketing is that you can use it as a complementary element to your other methods of communication with customers, such as email or a form, so that the company's efforts to improve the overall user experience can be seen.
  7. Brand image: Thanks to conversational marketing we are showing customers what our brand is like, we are creating a personality that accompanies the brand with the way we respond.

how to implement a conversational marketing strategy?

  • Use chatbots. If you have a chatbot on your website, what you are achieving is that the user can start a conversation with it whenever they need it and get an immediate response to the doubts or questions that have arisen about our product, service or website. Also, within the chatbots there are different filters that allow you to determine which users are more important than others and therefore need a person to be addressed. Frequently asked questions that are usually routine are much easier to answer and can be resolved immediately by the chatbot itself. Chatbots also allow us other functions such as nurturing our potential customers constantly providing them with quality content that will make them, in the long run, bet on us at the end of the sales process.
  • Use live chat. Live chats are also implemented within the website like chatbots, that is, the user can easily start a conversation whenever he wants, and what is even more important, in real time. In these chats in real time the user is notified that the company staff will contact him in a short period of time. With this we will be offering users a more personalised attention where we can attend to their doubts in a more complex way, more than with the chatbot, the bad thing is that we will make them wait longer than with the chatbot, since immediacy is the main characteristic of these.
  • Keep in mind thatWhatsApp is very similar to live chat, but without the need to enter the website itself to start a conversation; if the user clicks on the whatsapp icon, they will be redirected directly to our company's chat conversation.
  • Don't forget Facebook Messenger - Facebook also offers the option to start a conversation with customers, and this is via a chat within the profile where the user can directly contact the company. This Facebook chat can also be integrated into the website as a small window at the bottom of the page.

¿Qué es el Marketing conversacional?

In short, conversational marketing helps us to create a closer relationship with the customer, giving them a better image of us as a brand, and can resolve their doubts in real time, thus accompanying them throughout the purchasing process until we achieve our main objective, which is to sell.

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