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what digital marketing strategies exist?

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Digital marketing is made up of many strategies, depending on the objective you want to achieve. One of the most coveted objectives is to get leads, so some of the strategies we are going to tell you today are focused on getting those leads. Let's get started!

The best digital marketing strategies

  1. content marketing: This marketing strategy is focused on creating and distributing valuable content to attract a target audience. To do this, you must do all the planning of the content strategy thinking first of your customer and what they are looking for on the internet.
  2. search Engine Marketing Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used by many companies to immediately rank on search engines and attract target audiences through PPC (Pay Per Click) strategies.
  3. sEO (Search Engine Optimisation): Search Engine Optimisation is a strategy that consists of optimising your website so that search engines crawl your site and position it in the first places to be found by your potential customers.

    ¿Qué estrategias de marketing digital existen?
  4. inbound Marketing: Inbound is a marketing strategy that combines different online marketing tactics to attract, engage and delight customers. It is based on the production of valuable content for users in order to get their attention and attract them, converting them into contacts in a database. And through automation, it guides and matures them through the buying process to convert them into customers.
  5. marketing automation: Manage social networks, attract more visitors to your blog, convert them into leads, make email marketing campaigns, qualify leads, send them to a sales team, etc... These are just some of the tasks for which a marketing team is responsible. And there are many, right? Well, technological advances have given rise to a new concept called marketing automation. This is nothing more than the use of computer software to automate various actions in digital marketing. That said, companies can be more efficient, effective and productive when carrying out their digital marketing strategies. Marketing automation in conjunction with the Inbound Marketing strategy helps you to act in a personalised and scalable way with the people who interact with your company in different online channels .
  6. email marketing: Email marketing is a communication strategy that uses email to establish a direct relationship with each prospect or customer within a database. We can consider it as an integral strategy for your brand, because through it you not only acquire customers, but you can also automate support team functions and develop good loyalty programmes.
  7. Social media marketing: This type of marketing refers to all the strategies that you can do through social media in order to promote your brand. Social media marketing can have different objectives and is a way to get closer to your audience. Some social media networks where you can develop your social media strategies are: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.

    ¿Qué estrategias de marketing digital existen?
  8. affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing is one of the main types of digital marketing that is based on results. Affiliates are in charge of promoting advertisers or companies through different strategies. In return, affiliates receive a commission or payment when an action is performed: click on a banner, a registration, a purchase, etc.
  9. influencer marketing: Influencer marketing is another type of digital marketing that consists of achieving a series of collaborative links between brands and companies and those people with great visibility and prominence on the internet, known as "influencers". With the rise and growth of social networks, the appearance of people has been generated, who in traditional media would be more or less the equivalent of celebrities or celebrities. These characters have become references for a large number of internet users. These social network celebrities are very valuable for brands, since a photo or video using an article of the brand, can influence the acceptance of the product to its audience and therefore make sales go through the roof.
  10. permission marketing: This type of marketing was coined by Seth Godin more than 12 years ago in his book "Permission Marketing". It basically consists of a relationship that we can maintain with users based on the "permissions" that they give us to send communications. The legal framework for this type of marketing had changes in 2018 due to the new RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation) where the user has control over their data and allows or disallows receiving communications from a company.
  11. conversational marketing: As thename suggests, this marketing strategy aims to get customers and potential customers to talk positively about your products or services on behalf of the brand. This way of marketing is not just about selling a product, but about creating a unique and valuable experience for customers, so that they will believe it is worth recommending your brand and products to others.

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