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Digital marketing challenges in 2019

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Marketers struggle every day to adapt to a world that is changing significantly. Society is powerful, so much so that it pushes companies to adjust and innovate their strategies. But what about you? Is your company ready to cope with rapidly changing consumers? They are.

We're not wasting any more of your time, so pay attention to the challenges that will be at the forefront of marketing over the next 365 days. The time starts NOW!

5 marketing challenges in 2019

They're here with us - the 5 challenges that are shaking companies to launch into fashion marketing, meet their customers' expectations and walk on safe ground:

  1. Technological disruption. Technology has come skidding in and has abruptly broken the traditional way of facing challenges. Social networks, blogs, software, mobile devices, apps... It is the dominant technology that stars today's marketing strategies.
  1. The globalisation of consumers: where is the consumer who is willing to carefully read the labels of the products they consume? Where is the consumer who evaluates the contradictions? Today's consumer is globalised and used to guide their purchase more by advertising. Inbound Marketing breaks with these schemes to offer the customer only what they really need.
  1. Traffic and lead generation. According to data collected by HubSpot in its latest report, 63% of companies have as their main challenge the generation of more traffic and sales opportunities to their website. And no wonder, they are privileged companies for having taken the first step in the search for a solution, as they have already become aware of one of the main bases of the Inbound methodology.
  1. Showing the ROI of their marketing actions makes sense: what's the point of investing efforts to attract potential customers if you don't measure your results afterwards? Is there a balance between what you invest and what you get? The ROI allows you to know the economic value that has been generated as a result of having carried out various marketing activities.
  1. Manage the website, but not just any website, but manage it successfully. Not just anyone can do it, or cannot do it unless they have knowledge and experience in it. That is why more and more companies are turning to marketing agencies specialised in digital strategies.

To meet the new challenges of marketing with art requires courage and good techniques.

Brands' divorce from intrusive advertising

Inbound Marketing has become a major player in companies that need to constantly reinvent the core of their business in line with technology. Ladies and gentlemen, brands are already bidding farewell to traditional marketing techniques, consumer aggravation and aggressive advertising in order to fully engage with the natural attraction of potential customers.

The State of Inbound Marketing reports show every year that divorces from intrusion are growing every year. Consumers are loyal to brands that meet their needs and problems, but they are even more loyal when they feel free to choose in a world full of information. They own their decisions and will no longer jump through hoops to choose what brands shove down their throats. None of that.

Everything is much simpler now, and they owe that, in large part, to Inbound Marketing.

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