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Corporate WebSeries

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[fusion_text]We already know the resounding success of television formats such as series, sitcoms, reality shows, etc. These formats are the ones that currently triumph over all others on television. Due to the success of these formats, they have also begun to adapt to the Internet, which we know as WebSeries. This has allowed them to expand and adapt to different areas.

Corporate fiction allows the integration of successful television formats (series, soap operas, sitcoms, reality shows, etc.) into the business world. In this way, through WebSeries and other formats of this type adapted to the web, content can be explained in an attractive and entertaining way to attract the audience. It is especially recommended for human resources, training and external communication departments.

[/fusion_text][youtube id="" width="651" height="366" autoplay="no" api_params="" class=""][/youtube][fusion_text]Corporate WebSeries cover topics such as labour relations, FAQs, safety manuals, management changes, Human Resources tools, company policies, etc. so that viewers can get to know the company in more depth.

Resultado de imagen de web series corporativas

At Occam Agencia digital we create WebSeries tailored to each organisation, combining creativity, formats and identifiable characters, generating emotions and providing continuity. Count on us and we will help you create corporate web series for your small, medium or large company.

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