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Corporate video as a tool for growth

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The corporate video is an audiovisual piece that you can use in your company and that focuses on the different issues related to it, as well as communication. In other words, it is a letter of introduction both internally and externally and can be a fundamental tool for your company to grow and constantly evolve.

However, many companies still wonder why they should make a corporate video. It is very simple: audiovisual content makes more customers interested in your business. Why? Because it is easier for information that has been seen to stick in the human memory than something that has been read. Therefore, if you create a corporate video for your company, the chances that you will attract more customers and that your business will grow are enormous.

There are also many advantages that your company will benefit from if you present it through a corporate video. Some of them are:

  • You show that your business exists and is real because you put a face to your staff and show where you work.
  • You develop credibility, a very important aspect to generate trust and transmit professionalism.
  • It is an easy and above all effective way to attract the user.
  • You convince future clients to bet on your company.
  • You transmit your values and show the strengths that exist in your business.

do you know how to develop a corporate video?

Before creating a corporate video it is very important that you take some things into account. That way you will develop a good video, your company will be liked and you will get more customers. Here are some aspects that you should be clear about in order to know how to produce your corporate video:

  • Select the content: a good message is fundamental. Be clear about the message you want to transmit because that is what users and possible future clients will be left with. Build a good storytelling.
  • Plan a script: this is interconnected with the previous point. Once you know what you want to say, plan how you are going to do it. Organise your corporate video, so everything you communicate in it will be clear.
  • Short duration: we do not recommend that it lasts more than two minutes, as from that moment on the customer's attention will decrease. You have to say everything in less than that time, as users do not like long videos and do not finish watching them.
  • Quality of the image: this aspect is very important because in this way you will also demonstrate the quality of the tools that your business has. It is the image that the user will be left with.
  • Good editing: in this part you should also be careful. Do not hesitate to rely on professionals if you need it. If you do not have a good editing programme, get help. It will be useless to show a good image as well as a good quality if your corporate video is not well edited.
  • Dissemination: a tool that has been on the rise for some years now is very important: social networks. Use the ones that adapt to your target to share your corporate video with as many users as possible. Nowadays, social networks are the best way of dissemination, the one with which your content can go viral and have the greatest impact and reach.

Social networks: a tool for your company to grow

They are key to viralise, exploit and share your corporate video. We all know how important social networks are nowadays, especially Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For example, on Instagram, after seeing a few stories, a video or advert appears promoting products or services of the brands and businesses that are committed to it. In this way, the user will access the profile of that account and get to know the company or brand advertised in more detail.

If you get that video to have a lot of visits or views, the SEO positioning of your company will increase. In addition, you will draw a great line through which you will differentiate yourself from your competitors. You can use all the social networks you want to share your video. You can even create several corporate videos that explain different topics, thus reaching different audiences focused on the service in question.

don't have a corporate video for your company yet? Start now, don't waste any more time, it's one of the best strategies you can use to grow your business and you will see how you will get more customers!

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