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Latest trend: inbound video marketing

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Inbound and video marketing: two concepts, one reality.

The video format is the king of the moment, the latest trend. You know, it improves the effectiveness in receiving messages, increases business productivity, optimises SEO positioning, increases user traffic to your website and promotes engagement.

Meanwhile, Inbound Marketing continues to be the methodology capable of attracting potential customers, integrating non-intrusive digital marketing and advertising techniques, allowing brands to communicate with users at the beginning of the buying process and accompany them until the final sale.

what happens if we integrate video into our Inbound Marketing strategy? What steps should we follow to do so?

let's get down to business!

video in Inbound Marketing: what you should know

To ignore the enormous power that video brings to your Inbound strategy is a serious mistake. Think that content is the key to the methodology for attracting the potential audience and accompanying them through the different stages of the buyer's journey .

have you been focusing all your attention on posts, guides, eBooks, pillar pages and other textual content for a long time? What is the place of dynamic and visual information in your marketing strategy?

Video is the format most consumed by users. To do without it is like saying NO to positioning, to user attention and to the growth of your brand. We share with you 6 characteristics of this curious combination:

  1. It enriches the Inbound strategy with the format most consumed by the user and complements the textual information you offer on your blog and social networks.
  2. More effective message reception: If you are wondering what to do to make your users remember your messages, video has the answer. It retains more information in the user's memory than any written text.
  3. Improves business productivity and the effectiveness of the Inbound strategy. Videos improve the conversion rate, which translates into a greater awareness of the product and the company.
  4. Itcreates an emotional connection between the brand and the customers and, in turn, increases customer loyalty.
  5. Improves SEO optimisation. YouTube is an ideal channel to publish your corporate videos, it positively influences positioning. And if, in addition, we take into account the time spent viewing the video, so much the better. They are easily shared and viralised.
  6. It increases traffic to your website. Did you know that most users visit the company's website immediately after watching a video?

Now that you know the advantages of integrating video and Inbound, what are you waiting for to apply its advantages to your digital strategy?

Video marketing strategies to enrich your content

Before you create, optimise and promote a successful video that will rank number 1, we want to tell you 6 ways to increase the value of your content:

  1. Webinars: Take advantage of the power of this practical and educational tool. It can be a video of a person who is an expert in a subject to teach something about it. Integrate them into your Inbound strategy to give an online course, explain how to use a digital tool or how to use your products.
  2. Tutorials: If you are in the attraction or recruitment phase, you can use the generic video tutorial to solve some basic problems. Think that the objective is to attract users with valuable content. They will appreciate it if you solve their doubts with a brief tutorial. Clear and concise.
  3. Questions and answers. It is becoming more and more common to create videos of great value to launch questions and answers to your potential customer. You will differentiate yourself from the competition if you take advantage of this format instead of loading your landing pages with questions.
  4. Video Ads: Have you ever used video for your social media ads? Do you know the power they have to capture sales opportunities? Video Ads are having a great reach in networks such as Facebook.
  5. YouTube channel. Since its birth in 2005, it has become one of the most important search engines worldwide. Does this mean that if you have a presence on YouTube you can be visible to millions of users? Yes, and to boost your brand. Take care of offering guides, tutorials, tips and advice in video form. It is the most consumed content. We have already put it into practice.
  6. Spots: Remember those classic TV commercials? Well, a spot is practically the same thing, but adapted to the digital universe.

what do you think about the integration of Inbound and video marketing? Tell us your doubts. At Occam Digital Agency we have everything you need to achieve the ideal synergy between these two worlds.

Tips for positioning YouTube videos

To finish this post, here are some tips to increase the value of your videos. If you already have a YouTube channel, you have a head start:

  1. Upload your video to pages with a good DA (Domain Authority). Your website can be a good example.
  2. Do link building: Try to include quality links in your video, with similar topics or social networks.
  3. Encourage subscriptions to your channel. You will ensure that users with a real interest in your topics subscribe. To do this, you can insert a call to action with the option to subscribe.
  4. Use tags, an attractive title and a long enough description. Optimise, optimise, optimise.

thinking about developing a content strategy in Inbound Marketing? At Occam Digital Agency we have the team you need to make it happen. We are real thinkers, we are excited to sit down and design stories that connect with the user, that resonate and meet objectives.

lights, camera and action!

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