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SEO trends for ecommerce

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Ecommerce continues to grow and change year after year, so you need to know what the new trends are. Today we tell you all about them.

what are the 12 SEO trends for ecommerce?

  1. User experience: User experience was already very important in the past, but now, with the restrictions of linkbuilding and new shopping systems, it is even more important.

  2. Conversational bots with AI. Bots, nowadays, can be had at almost no cost, and they help you a lot to manage 80% of your users' problems. Afterwards, if the bot does not solve the problem, you can pass the customer to a real person and/or solve all their doubts by email or any other channel. In this way, you greatly reduce the cost of providing this customer service.

  3. Voice searches: More and more people are searching by voice and making increasingly complex searches, so Google has had to adapt, which is why, in 2021, it introduced LaMDA, an artificial intelligence capable of understanding natural language much better, synthesising, understanding what is being searched for and providing a good answer.

    Tendencias SEO para ecommerce  

  4. Long tail keywords: Long tail keywords have always been fundamental in any seo strategy or seo consultancy, and they will probably never cease to be so. However, you do not have to fill your content with keywords or keywords that are very similar to each other. Instead, you must seek to provide the appropriate semantic elements to Google so that it understands that our page is the right one for many long tails.

  5. Low quality content is no longer useful. MDA, which we have just talked about, will be the artificial intelligence that, from now on, will analyse content, because it is an artificial intelligence capable of understanding natural language and, consequently, it is capable of understanding when a content is good or bad. In the eCommerce field, this means that you will have to work much harder on category texts (generally, text of a rather poor quality) and the texts of the product cards.

  6. MUM Model: MUM is another algorithm capable of analysing, interpreting and understanding text. It stands for Multitask United Model and aims to better understand the searches made by users, but it not only works with text, but also with images and videos. MUM is also capable of understanding feelings, contexts and abstractions, something that, until now, artificial intelligences were not capable of doing.

    Tendencias SEO para ecommerce  

  7. Full Mobile: Focus on mobile, that is, if you can build your online shop thinking directly on mobile devices, all the better. As always, the minimum is a responsive design site. From there, any addition will be good. And remember that Google indexes the pages according to what it sees in the mobile version, so we must take it into account twice.

  8. Video: Google is more capable than ever of understanding video content, and can therefore rank content based not only on the quality of the text and images, but also on the quality of the videos on a page.

  9. Pages with videos: pages with videos rank much better for the very fact of having a video and that this video has quality. In addition, of course, users increasingly demand more information about the product they are going to buy. And they also demand that this information is well presented and easily consumable. And this is achieved with video.

  10. Shopping Graph is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to connect consumers with online product listings. The aim is to obtain all kinds of information from different product sales sources and present it to the user. And although, for the moment, it is limited to this, it is to be hoped that, in the future, the system will be extended so that you can sell from or through Google in exchange for a commission or that payments will be made with Google Pay.

  11. Stricter linkbuilding. As we said in the first point of this great and important list, linkbuilding is going to become stricter. This is normal for two reasons: Google is becoming increasingly intelligent and is increasingly able to understand the quality of a website without resorting to link analysis and, in addition, it is increasingly better at analysing links. The sum of both things means that you can only get a good boost through linkbuilding with a strong and quality link profile.

  12. Social awareness: Google has been paying a lot of attention to aspects related to social awareness lately. If you look at Google Maps, businesses can place information such as whether they are LGBT Friendly, if they are run by women, etc. This information can be just that: information for the user. But it is also possible that, little by little, this type of positioning adds a little when it comes to positioning or getting benefits from Google.

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