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Importance and application of SEO in the IT sector

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what is SEO, how to optimise it in ICT companies, why is it important, have you ever thought about the results you can achieve by applying SEO in the IT sector?

Achieving a good positioning in the main search engines has become the dream of all websites that inhabit the Internet space. However, achieving it is the biggest challenge. Does this mean that it is impossible? On the contrary, it means that there is an opportunity or challenge with which it is possible to achieve success, in general, and our main objective, in particular.

SEO in the IT sector

Search engine optimisation, search engine optimisation or web optimisation refers to nothing more and nothing less than the process by which various changes are made to the structure, organisation and information of a website to ensure that it appears in the top positions of organic search results. In the IT sector, it is even more important to work on it, as it is the environment that has caused it to appear. It is known as SEO, and different factors come into play.

  • Keywords
  • Meta descriptions
  • Content quality
  • HTML tags (title, meta description, header, Alt)

Techniques for optimising SEO in the IT sector

When your company sets out to work on the design of a website and, thus, have a presence on the Internet, it is actually taking the first step. After that, this action becomes the basis for everything that will follow, that is, the techniques aimed at achieving the desired web positioning. To put them into practice not only requires knowledge, but also dedication, effort and a good marketing strategy oriented to the IT sector. The techniques used to optimise SEO in the IT sector are:

  1. The use of keyword identification, a strategic approach to keywords and the correct use of keywords in the content, which must be well chosen, so it is important to take into account the number of searches they have.
  2. In relation to the first technique, it is necessary to generate unique titles for each piece of content, section of the page, etc., that fit perfectly with its content and established keywords.
  3. It is important to set customised goals for each of the sections of the IT sector page.
  4. The presence of keywords in headings, Alt tags, bold, titles and meta descriptions helps to improve the positioning of the website.
  5. Use of internal links that direct us to other related articles on our website.
  6. URL according to the title, editing it if necessary.
  7. Give an authority to each article, as the signature of the article can generate trust and attract attention. It will give them more personality in Google. The world of Information Technology is complex, so giving it personality on the Internet can be a very positive factor for both users and for the page itself.
  8. Use of a responsive web design on the website itself.
  9. Publish content on a regular basis. This will increase the chances of being mentioned, and the content published should be of value to the interested community.
  10. Measure and improve the loading speed of the website.
  11. Optimise images.

why is it important to optimise SEO in the IT sector?

In the midst of the technological revolution, also known as the era of digital transformation, companies and businesses are immersed in an increasingly globalised market. What does this mean? Advances in the IT sector require that the focus of companies should be on their online presence.

In this way, SEO optimisation is the main tool for the IT sector to achieve potential customers in an increasingly informed world. Contrasting and comparing options has become a task within everyone's reach. It is no longer enough to have a website. The IT sector must work on an attractive design, social networks and optimal positioning.

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