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The role of video for business in 2020

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You're lucky you're thinking about what video will bring next year, because that means you have it in mind. It will continue to be the king of content and the star of formats in the online world. In this 2019, we have learned once again that digital marketing is reinventing itself at the speed of light, just like the demands of consumers, and when you're just implementing a new tool, CHAS! Another one appears.

But you know what? Everything happens for a reason, and the novelties that we have experienced in 2019 (revolution of the times through Snacks Ads or Bumper Ads, the rise of video marketing, etc.), are the basis of what will happen in 2020. Are you going to miss it?

More video marketing

Video has become part of companies, an essential tool for communicating, reaching the hearts of users and staying with them for a while (or forever). Just as the ways of buying have changed, driven by the transformation of consumer habits, so have the ways of communicating.

We all know how video has boomed in recent years, and 80% of all internet traffic has been in this format. Video pleases, entertains, captivates, captures attention, engages, informs and retains data in people's minds. It makes them remember you. So it is not surprising that more and more brands are using it to launch videos of all kinds:

  • Testimonials. We are social beings by nature, and the environment in which we live influences our decision-making. Other people's opinions matter, and you know it, because, in some way, they end up shaping our own too. Even if it's unconsciously through comments from friends, family or other people.
    Testimonial videos are perfect allies for your sales, a decisive marketing tool when a potential client needs to contract a product or service. Who wouldn't be interested in knowing the opinion or experience of another user with the same product? The word-of-mouth of all life, only that with the growth of the Internet it has skyrocketed.
  • Corporate: If you are going to change your office in the next year, or you are still in the same one and you haven't shown your facilities yet, this could be the perfect occasion to do it once and for all. The corporate video is a letter of introduction that communicates values, identity, history, vision, mission, strategy, and a long etcetera.
    You are privileged if you are thinking about creating a corporate audiovisual piece, because it will have super positive effects on the company (visibility, confidence, attraction). Have you already thought about what aspect you are going to focus it on? What corporate need do you need to cover?
  • 360°video. Camera and action. Wow! Surely you have already heard about it, because many brands are turning it into the forever branch of their audiovisual pieces. Perfect for creating virtual tours with Google Street View and 100% recommended for events, exhibition halls, hotels, tourist businesses and other iconic places.

do you know all the potential of virtual reality? And the business possibilities it offers to companies? How are you going to build your dreams? Enjoy it at home, on your mobile, on your Tablet... Wherever you want.

Television has echoed the audiovisual revolution through Corporate WebSeries. Make your audiovisual piece a film as interesting as what you have to say. Corporate fiction has reached brands and is one of the most successful television formats for the business world. Do you have too many FAQs and don't know how to answer them? Are your security manuals too long? All this and much more, also in 2020.

what to expect from video for business in 2020?

Content is very important for users because it adds value to the company and attracts potential customers in the digital world. Now that the new year is approaching, we want to share with you the promises of video:

  • We make way for virtual reality. This technology continues to gain traction in industries such as health, marketing and video games for one reason only: users are looking for different experiences.
  • More SEO benefits for your company: Remember those thumbnails that appear related to the words you're searching for? You can even see them above the organic results, which is good for brands. Anyone can go to YouTube and play a video just by typing a few words into the search engine.
  • Vlogging with blogging- video + blog = vlogging - what a powerful mix of responding to users' concerns through video.
  • Sales directly from video. It has been proven that some people have already made a decision to buy immediately after watching a video. They are appearing in search results even above the websites themselves.
  • Interest in live video is going through the roof- better to watch it than to be told about it, don't you think? Live video is very well received by social media users, who prefer to learn information from video rather than text.

Of course, video for business will not solve all your challenges, but if we take a look at the kind of needs it can cover, maybe you will start to see it with different eyes. It is said that "video will represent 82% of web traffic in 2020". And by 2021, who knows... Maybe all the content we share on Facebook will already be in this format. We will see..

thinking about improving your corporate image? and your positioning? Do you need to improve engagement and sales of your brand? 2020 brings new answers to all your concerns.

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