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Video, a growing trend

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are you still doubting the importance of video in today's online communication?

We don't say so, studies such as those carried out by Cisco Systems affirm it: "By 2021, it would take two full years to watch all the videos that will be circulating at that time".


Presenting brands, products, communicating on social networks, explaining our values, our mission and vision, the history of our company... Any need of the company can be good to place it on the stage of this tool. In this post we want to share with you some of the reasons why companies are increasingly using video, as well as some of its most essential aspects. We know that it is a technique that does not stop growing and evolving, and that is why we want to go deeper into it.

The increase in the use and evolution of video has found its justification in the ease with which we connect to the internet, the change in the ways of consuming, in our tastes when selecting a product or service, etc. Next, we are going to immerse ourselves in a journey through its role in companies, its characteristics and its evolution.

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why arecompanies increasingly using video?

Perhaps we should ask ourselves what video means for brands. However, whatever the question, companies are being forced, indirectly, to redesign their strategies. The ways of buying are not based on fixed and unbreakable standards, but on actions that go hand in hand with social changes.

This is why companies began to notice a transformation in the way consumers buy years ago, and this is where video and marketing come into play. While companies have used traditional formats anchored to paper, such as photography, the web and digitalisation have opened up a world of possibilities for audiovisual forms.

Large and medium-sized companies have found video to be an original, creative and exciting way of conveying their ideas to the public, so much so that their reasons for doing so are beyond imagination:

  • To share and spread their content virally and reach an immense amount of users through social networks and websites.
  • To appeal to the emotions of the audience by conveying a clear and meaningful message.
  • To achieve a greater reach organically, generate interactivity and raise awareness of your brand.
  • To create a more personalised and closer setting with the audience, as well as to differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • To describe their products and services, so that they have found in video a tool to support their sales.
  • To explain other aspects related to their sector.
  • To convey feelings that would otherwise be practically impossible.
  • To generate greater confidence in customers.

We could go on and on telling you why companies are increasingly making the most of audiovisual marketing, but let's pause to talk about another aspect that is as relevant as it is fundamental: the growth of visual communication.

Video: a growing trend

Close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself these questions: how many companies were using audiovisual tools five years ago? How many are using them today? What percentage of them have joined the trend during 2018?

Don't look for an answer, just think about what we are asking you. The aim is not for you to answer, but to reflect the change that has taken place over the last few years. Visual communication has become a trend that more andmore brands are joining. The ultimate goal of all of them is to achieve an unparalleled connection with their customers. They are looking for dynamism, freshness, originality and impact, and they know that video can be the ideal tool to achieve this.

It is no coincidence that more than 100 million internet users consume videos every day. Nor are the figures that put the number of visits to the web after watching some audiovisual material at 65%. Nor that they share them. It is no coincidence that companies have begun to write a joint story between content and video. It is not. Perhaps we are talking about two parts destined to meet. Two points that had been walking separately, but that have now found the vertex of union.

Creative communication is part of your strategy.

Greater emotional connection

This is only a small part of the whole, but perhaps the most important for many companies. That's why we want to talk to you about it. Companies have realised that it is no longer enough to offer quality products and services. The offer is immense and the public has a world of options to choose from. Why should you be their best option and not someone else?

At Occam we believe that emotions are part of the growth of video, which is why we have mentioned their role in this post, and although we will deal with it in depth later on, today we want to give you some hints. Stories never go out of fashion, and the simple, empathetic, human and close transmission of stories generates an immediate connection between users and brands.

So don't hesitate and make your customers feel part of your story.

pon un vídeo corporativo en tu vida

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