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Inbound marketing in the real estate sector

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Inbound marketing is a methodology that is based on acquiring customers through the creation of valuable content and tailor-made experiences. Companies set in motion a virtuous circle in which customers amplify their brand's reputation, thereby strengthening a company's online presence, consolidating long-lasting business relationships, generating more leads, more sales opportunities and more profitability.

There are three ways to apply the inbound methodology: attracting, which consists of capturing the attention of the right people with valuable content; interacting, that is, offering people information and solutions that take into account their needs and objectives to increase the probability that they will buy your products and services; and delighting, that is, providing customers with the help and tools to enable them to achieve success through their effective purchase.

what is real estate marketing?

The real estate sector is constantly undergoing changes. Nowadays, property searches are made on the Internet and, therefore, the agencies that have grown in recent times have been those that have been able to innovate and bet on real estate marketing, leaving aside the traditional plan of advertisements in the media, advertising on buses, leaflets in cars, among others.

Real estate marketing is therefore a set of strategies that focus their efforts on meeting two objectives: attracting properties for subsequent sale or rental, and attracting potential customers who wish to buy or rent a property.

El inbound marketing en el sector inmobiliario

how to take advantage of the inbound methodology for the real estate sector?

The buying process is usually long and involves a high investment, so you will need to create a solid and trusting relationship with the buyer, and this is essential for your real estate business to be successful and sell more properties.

As explained above, the inbound methodology consists of three stages, attract, interact and delight. In real estate it works in the same way: during the attract stage, the goal of an inbound company is to attract prospects and customers with relevant content, adding immediate value to their buyer's journey; during the interact stage, a user completes the desired action, such as scheduling a visit to the show home on the website; and during the delight stage, an exceptional experience must be delivered every time a prospect or customer interacts with your company.

El inbound marketing en el sector inmobiliario

Content creation for real estate inbound marketing

Defining our buyer persona will be one of the first steps to subsequently create appropriate content. Identify who your potential buyers are: age, salary, gender, position held, the region in which they are located, tastes, how they prefer to receive information, their needs, what type of properties they prefer, their behaviour and what factors influence their purchasing decisions.

In terms of content formats, the most common and one of the most attractive is the agency blog, but we recommend not just writing articles. You should enrich your content with videos, infographics, podcasts... and don't forget about reports, downloadable guides and other content that can serve as an incentive to develop your database.

Once you have your buyer persona defined, the next step is to reach your target audience. There are many real estate inbound marketing strategies that can help you achieve this, but these are the three main ones:

  • Search engineoptimisation (SEO). The process of buying, selling or renting a property generates many doubts among many users and therefore, it is common for them to make related queries on search engines. Having a well-positioned page will allow you to be there to solve them. Do a keyword research and detect what are the most common searches of your buyer persona, with that you can start a content strategy based on what your potential customers need and you will position yourself better.
  • Social networks: The most appropriate in this sector are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. However, with the growth of the social network TikTok you should also update your content on it and be aware of the content of your competitors. Also remember that creating quality audiovisual content is essential to attract customers looking for a good house or a real home.
  • Email marketing: Once you have established the first contact with a user and you have their details, emails will help you nurture that relationship until they become a customer. You can offer them personalised content depending on what they are looking for.
  • Live chat- instant attention helps improve customer retention.

The benefits of implementing inbound marketing in the real estate sector are truly significant, so boost the growth of your real estate business with an inbound marketing strategy focused on your customers and you will succeed.

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