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The footprint of 2019 in Occam: past, present and future

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hear that? It's the magic of this time of year. The holidays are coming and we need to talk.

Finals and Christmas are two concepts that usually go hand in hand when December arrives, but at Occam we have experienced many beginnings throughout 2019: we opened a door in Inbound Markerting, challenges galore in software development and audiovisual approaches that we would never have imagined.

You know, life doesn't always work out. In fact, almost never happens what you expect, and we can assure you that no 'occami' could have imagined a 2019 like this, as it has happened. With excitement and change in vein, with new services, themes and team. A shot of adrenaline... That's what it means to let yourself be surprised and take risks from time to time, but with your feet on the ground and a cool head, which is always better reasoning.

Not so bad.

Highlights of Occam in 2019

Inbound Marketing

  • Occam and Envisage & Grow: united by the spirit of digital marketing.

It all started the way things start when they come at the right time: with enthusiasm and excitement. It happened in August, just when the heat was pressing and forced us to cool off in different ways. Envisage & Grow not only felt the call of the shadow, but also that of Occam, because we were united by the universe of digital marketing and we could not refuse (there was chemistry). It all started with the aim of fitting together three pieces of the same puzzle: Inbound Marketing, Audiovisual Production and Software Development. Since then, we offer our clients a portfolio of more complete, comprehensive and personalised services.

We live in a changing world where today's trends are no longer yesterday's and probably not tomorrow's either. This is happening as new technological advances emerge and consumers become more and more demanding. They are more informed than ever and companies must respond to their expectations with tailored services that drive their growth: graphic and audiovisual production, software and mobile application development, and, above all, INBOUND! This methodology helps us create valuable experiences that generate a positive impact on both people and brands. There is no digital marketing without a consistent website, nor 100% effective marketing strategies without a brand presence on video. Togetherness is strength!

And so that you are not left with any doubts, this year we have also started to hold our first Coffee Marketing talks with Daniel Collado and Javier Gutiérrez, Communication and Marketing Directors respectively. Everything flows and transforms, so do we.

  • We travelled to Inbound 2019, the world's largest marketing and sales event.

September is here, and what better way to end the summer than travelling to Boston to soak up trends, news and a lot of learning. Tell that to our marketing colleagues, they filled their ears with great voices that completed the main stage: from Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, co-founders of HubSpot, to the director of Equal Justice Initiative, Bryan Stevenson, journalist Katie Couric, and Roberto Blake, who not only told us 10 steps to get the most out of video on YouTube, but also gave us a personalised message at the end of the event (you can watch it by clicking on this link).

Without a doubt, it has been an incredible experience in which we not only enriched our knowledge with techniques, tools and trends for the digital marketing universe, but also with stories like Elizabeth Gilbert's. This American writer opened the Inbound19 spotlight sessions, and, as we already told you in another post, she shared with the audience a vision of life: "Being relaxed is the secret to living the best life possible, it is the mantra for a creative life". The author left the audience mesmerised with the creative life and the power of relaxation, "focusing on what you can control and let the rest fly".

Audiovisual Production

This 2019, we have had the good fortune to continue working for great clients who, although it sounds idyllic, or like a marketing phrase, are more like friends than clients.

It is a pleasure to continue going hand in hand with SGS, which is increasingly integrating the audiovisual format in its company, at different levels, between multiple departments and countries, to train, communicate new policies, present new projects, disseminate its services..

This year we have also worked with the events departments of KING, creators of Candy Crush and Farm Heroes, and Room Mate Hotels, a leading company in the hospitality industry.

We have continued to create training videos together with the human resources department of Correos Express, disseminating the activities of the National Museum of Natural Sciences or introducing Motorola's new devices to the world.

In addition, every week, on a recurring basis, we have produced content for Te Lo Cuento de Camino's inbound tourism programme and for Codere.

We can't forget those new clients who have placed their trust in us: CRUZ ROJA, CTT Tourline Express, Placo Saint Gobain, Docunecta, Funnel TV, Fundación Empresa & Sociedad... To all of them, thank you for your trust and we hope you will remain by our side.

We haven't forgotten innovative formats either: creating new 360º videos and even developing interactive courses with 3D video for Oculus. We've even jumped into the mass media thanks to the production we did for the basketball club Montakit Fuenlabrada! On Twitter it reached more than 185,000 views.

And, just in case you think we're bored, we've found some free time to create our own corporate webseries, "Fidbak!

Software development

  • New project: fingerprint to register the working day.

The Royal Decree Law approved by the government last March accelerated the need for companies to establish clocking systems. From May onwards, it was made compulsory to record the working day of their workers on a daily basis to adapt to the new regulations. The main objective of this measure is to measure the length of working days, overtime and breaks. Companies must also keep records of their employees' working day for four years, making them available to workers, trade unions and the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate.

If the regulation is not complied with, the amount of the penalty can reach 6,250 euros if it is serious, or 626 if it is a minor breach. In any case, the Royal Decree has prompted companies to invest in systems for recording the working day, and at Occam we are working on a new development project with this objective. The process is being carried out through the fingerprint, the most widely used biometric system in security and on which we are already working.

  • Cryptocurrency projects (own token).

2019 has marked the tenth anniversary of the launch of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and what better way to celebrate it than by starting new blockchain projects. At Occam we are committed to the technological advances that are emerging in society, especially when it comes to revolutionary technology that can put an end to common problems, such as security.

Blockchain has a long history of innovation in the field of cryptocurrencies, and is gradually finding its way into other sectors, such as automotive, health, tourism and vehicle insurance. In any case, blockchain can be separated from blockchain and create other virtual currencies based on the same principles, but with other properties. Blockchain has brought significant benefits, such as speed, cost reduction, transparency and traceability. In short, thanks to this type of technology, at Occam we intend to continue working on security.

Blockchain represents the most important technological disruption of recent times and we did not want to miss it.

And if that wasn't enough... New changes are coming!

Before ending the post and the year, we want to let you know that all these new developments are not the only changes we have experienced at Occam. We have saved the best for last..

We are remodelling the website: we are betting on a simple and modern design adapted to our services and oriented to the user so that he/she can navigate through it like a rocket.

Besides, with so much novelty, creativity and projects in mind, we didn't catch everyone in the office, so you've caught us moving, we're moving to a new place!

There are only a few days left to finish the year, and as these dates are always a good time to make wishes, we wish you... Happy Holidays!

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