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The evolution of operating systems and their relationship with apps

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what is the first thing you think of when you decide to choose an operating system? What do you look for? What do you value in your choice? iOS or Android? Android or iOS?

It is amazing how the use of mobile phones has changed. That Motorola Dyna TAC 8000X had nothing to do with today's phones. However, it was this phone that triggered a lifetime of phenomena and trends in mobile telephony. It was the first mobile phone in history, regardless of when the first phone call was made. And today, several decades later, no one can imagine a life without it.

Intelligence has long since entered the telephone world. Applications, operating systems, user experiences, full screens... A world of novelties has been unleashed in the wake of the mobile phone. Technology, science and computer science have a lot to do with it. In this post we want to show you the reflection of a tale of two: user and mobile devices.

what do you look for when deciding on an operating system?

These days, when people decide to buy a mobile phone, they no longer look at how well it can make calls, whether it comes with a notepad, or how many contacts it can store in the phonebook. None of this is particularly innovative. What really matters is the quality of the applications you can download, their usability, the possibilities they offer, and so on.

It seems that for many users, mobile applications have become the mainstay of their choice when deciding on an operating system. There are even some phenomena that demonstrate this. However, the questions we ask you today are: why do you think this is happening? Why do users value mobile applications so much?

The answer to these questions lies mainly in the number of functions they can perform. They are part of our daily lives and we use them for almost everything: sending a message, checking our bank account, making a doctor's appointment, etc.

The evolution of operating systems

Nowadays, hardly anyone would consider a phone to be a quality device if it didn't include an operating system. The same goes for computers. That's why business magnate Steve Jobs kicked things off with the launch of the iPhone and the first version of iOS in 2007. First came iOS 1, then iOS 2 in 2008, iOS 3 in 2009, and so on, all the way up to iOS 10.

On the operating system scene, we couldn't leave without talking about Android, the system most widely used by users, for example, with more than 2 billion devices that include it. It seems that 2007 was the year in which it began to take shape, although it was in 2008 when the "first stable version of Android" was created. This system began with version 1.0 and has now reached 8.0.

A full-fledged evolution.

how do you measure the success of operating systems?

It is probably worth mentioning applications again at this point. In general, people do not know exactly all the functionalities of operating systems, especially because these are highly technical aspects. In any case, their decision to buy comes down to the applications that are included and those that can be incorporated.

In short, it is a decision that depends on price, quality and other factors, but where mobile applications have found an essential weight in the balance of the decision. This therefore reflects the importance of mobile applications in today's society.

don't you think?

Occam - contacto

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