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The relationship of applications to context

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Context counts for everything you want to do in your company. It influences in such a way that it is able to control whether a certain product or service is this way or that way. In the case of brands, very diverse factors influence: from policies and objectives to vision and strategies, from values to philosophy, and from employees to customers. Everything counts.

In mobile applications, it is brutally important, and this has a lot to do with the initial idea. We adapt to it and turn it into a real application, but we do not launch it without first having thought about a series of things: technical and operational characteristics, usability, users, functionalities, needs, etc.

Next, we are going to tell you a series of things you should take into account when creating an application.

what is context in applications?

When we talk about this concept in the mobile Apps scenario, we refer to the set of circumstances that surround us (customers, technology, needs, objectives, etc.) and without which a given situation cannot be successful. In corporate applications, we understand this data as part of the development.

Therefore, the context of the applications implies taking into account the type of device from which it is going to be used, the functionalities, mobility... We think about it from the beginning because, depending on these characteristics, our application will be one way or another. However, we always seek to adapt it to the line of business and the client, without losing sight of the corporate objectives and business philosophy.


what barriers does the context find in an application?

A few years ago, these services were unthinkable. Then they became a novelty. And now very few dare to live without them. Apps are already part of our everyday life, even if it's just to send a message via WhatsApp. With them, the context has also changed, because Apps from 5 years ago, even less, joined the first developments, so that the novelty of the channel became a barrier.

Thanks to their functions, users have become increasingly aware of the advantages they bring in terms of their convenience, their needs and their contact with companies. However, when an app is created, it is not created with a general public in mind, but with its target and potential audience in mind.

Any information that can be used to define the situation of a company, a product or customers is relevant for the interaction with the App. Dey and Abowd already said this in 1999.

IT/technology services have evolved in such a way that it is now possible to provide services based on a user's profile, location, age, etc. These tools are known as "Context Sensitive Apps". An example of this is the arrival of the iPhone 6s in 2015 and the inclusion of Proactive as a new feature, which made it possible to anticipate what a user wanted to do based on time, place, etc.

Conclusion on context and mobile applications

Technology broadens the ways of society to a very high level. So much so that applications have experienced a great evolution since they began to be created. Companies take advantage of the widespread use of smartphones to get closer to users through their own applications that offer a faster and closer service. Any place can be a good place to make an enquiry.

And not only that, brands also take advantage of any data to get to know their customers or consumers better, so they use it to offer what they are looking for and when they need it.

what do you think? What importance do you give to context? Has the idea you had before reading this post changed at all?

Tell us about it without obligation.

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