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Social media: engagement metrics

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If you have a company with your own brand, surely one of the main factors that most interests you when it comes to positioning yourself is engagement, in this post we tell you all about it, how to measure it and everything related to social networks.

what is engagement?

We can define engagement as the level of commitment that a brand's customers have with it, that is, the way in which a follower interacts with the brand. And we are not only talking about buying a lot of the product or consuming our services on a regular basis, we are also talking about the trust they have in the product, the interaction with the brand and, above all, empathising with it and establishing lasting relationships, in other words, building loyalty.

To achieve this engagement, companies must carry out multiple strategies and tasks, all aimed at captivating their audience by correcting any type of problem that may arise with the brand.

This concept has expanded greatly thanks, precisely, to social networks, as they are the best means of interaction between a brand and its users.

how is it measured?

Any marketing strategy needs metrics to be able to check that the actions we have carried out are bearing fruit. For this, not just any metric will do, we have to know how to analyse social networks well and for this we cannot use just any simple metric, we have to calculate it using specific metrics.

To achieve this engagement, what we must do is focus on our audience, not on our brand, we have to select our content based on them, taking into account what they want to consume, to provoke a reaction in them.

There are many formulas that measure engagement, but the most basic and simple is the following:

No. of likes + No. of comments + No. of times shared / No. of people who saw the publication, all multiplied by 100.

Engagement on social networks

The networks are the biggest engine for your engagement strategy, and it is very easy to measure engagement in this area, it is usually done with the standard formula mentioned above. But you must go further, you have to evaluate the characteristics of the interactions. For example, it is smart not only to analyse the "likes" but also to analyse the "dislikes".

In each social network it is different, here we tell you how a good engagement ratio would be in each social network:

  1. Facebook

    To calculate the engagement ratio on Facebook we have two options, the first is the one we mentioned above: (Likes + Comments + Shares/ Fans) x 100.

    On the other hand, we can also calculate it using "people who are talking about this", where the different types of interactions are already implicit.

    According to Mari Smith, a social media expert, the average engagement on Facebook is 2%.

  2. Instagram
    A good engagement on Instagram would be between 1% and 5%, although it always depends on the brand, the size of the audience and the content published by the brand.

  3. TikTok
    TikTok is a social network that is growing more and more every day, and therefore has a very high engagement ratio, international influencers have an engagement rate of 15.86% and the normal organic percentage is between 3% and 9%. Therefore, if you are a brand and you want to get a good engagement, TikTok is a great option to start with it.

  4. Twitter
    This is one of the social networks with the lowest engagement, according to Rival IQ, it was 0.045% in 2020. There is not as much interaction as on other platforms.

  5. LinkedIn
    The engagement ratio on LinkedIn is calculated in a different way to the previous social networks, in this case, it can be calculated by dividing the interactions by the number of followers, users reached or impressions of the publication. The engagement on LinkedIn is very similar to that of Facebook, 2%, but we must bear in mind that we are calculating it per publication, not per time.

How to increase engagement on social networks

  1. Post regularly and intelligently
    To improve engagement, you need to make an effort and be consistent, improvements will not come by themselves, and for this, what you have to measure is when to publish, you have to be consistent with your content and publish in different formats and encourage interactions so that your followers share your content. You also have to take into account the times and days in which to publish, so you can focus on when there are more users connected to achieve that interaction.

  2. Calls to action
    Something as simple as adding underneath a post something like "Which one do you like best?" encourages comments on the post itself. It's also a good idea to encourage users to like or share the content, all without spamming and without being too intrusive with your followers as then they won't want to interact.

  3. Know your buyer persona
    The most important thing when creating content is to know who you are creating it for, depending on the characteristics of your followers, you should define what type of content to publish and in what formats. What do they interact with the most? Explain it! All without forgetting what is the essence of your brand and its values.

  4. Audiovisual content
    Create videos, there are platforms where this is much more common, such as TikTok, where all the content is based on video, however there are other networks, such as Twitter, where it is not so common but it is worth creating it to get more interactions with the public. By creating video content, what we are implying with our brand is that we strive to provide the best possible content, quality content. The same goes for images, they attract the attention of users, especially in the most visual networks like instagram. Through them you not only tell what you want to tell about your brand or products, you also encourage interactions with your audience.

  5. Share your audience
    Users on networks are not mere spectators as if it were television, they also generate content, and this is a great way to give them a voice, once you share their content, you are not only getting publicity by showing the rest of your followers that your products are liked by the public, you are making them feel involved and that you are there to share what they publish about your brand.

  6. Communicate with your followers
    Not only do you have to encourage them to interact with you, you also have to be prepared to answer all their questions. There must be feedback so as not to lose users, if a follower has a question about your product or your brand and does not find an answer, they will not buy. You must also be active in replying to the comments on your publications, after insisting that users comment, you cannot leave them without a response.

In short, engagement is essential in your social media strategy, so take all our tips and you will get users to interact much more with your brand. Don't miss out on all the advantages of engagement!

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