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Shopify integration with HubSpot: features and benefits

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are you looking to take your digital business to the next level? If so, the Shopify integration with HubSpot is the perfect option for you.

The HubSpot-Shopify integration is designed to benefit the marketing and sales teams of small and medium-sized businesses, and has opened up a world of new possibilities for businesses of all sizes in terms of where, why and how they connect with their customers.

Thanks to this integration you can now connect your Shopify account with HubSpot and enjoy all the benefits that come with having a powerful marketing automation platform at your disposal. Say goodbye to manual work and hello to automated marketing!

what is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a software company that offers inbound marketing and sales tools, among other things. Its software helps businesses attract website visitors, convert leads into customers and retain existing customers. HubSpot also offers a suite of educational products and services so that all its users can train and learn all about inbound marketing and sales.

HubSpot is the number one choice of thousands of companies who want to grow their business online. If you are looking for an all-in-one marketing and sales solution, HubSpot may be the perfect tool for you.

Shopify-HubSpot Integration Features

The Shopify-HubSpot integration combines the features and functionalities of each platform in one place. If you are a Shopify and HubSpot customer, you will be able to go directly to HubSpot's ecommerce tools and connect your online shop quickly and easily. On the other hand, if you are an enterprise or SME, this integration is an excellent opportunity to boost your growth and automate your business tasks.

The main features of the Shopify integration with HubSpot are as follows:

  • Segmentation: You will be able to create new contact lists based on shopper behaviour, habits, products purchased, most visited pages, etc. It also includes other actions that allow personalisation of customer communications.
  • Automation: You will have various pre-built workflows with which you can develop advanced automations focused on your ecommerce; including business channels to improve lead management or the import and autofill of contacts and profiles.
  • Analysis: You will have automatic access to data analysis tools and report generation. In addition, this integration allows you to develop customised dashboards according to criteria, metrics, or relevant information such as the source of revenue.

Benefits of Shopify integration with HubSpot

The Shopify integration with HubSpot comes with a host of benefits that will not only grow your online business but also improve your ecommerce productivity.

  • Solve the problem of abandoned carts

An abandoned cart indicates that a potential customer was interested in buying your product, but stopped just before doing so. These people are much more likely to buy in the future than a lead who is just visiting your website.

Using HubSpot workflows, you can sign up for a targeted email marketing campaign for anyone who abandons a cart on Shopify. Through this email campaign, you'll remind those potential customers of the reasons why they were interested in the first place. This workflow highlights the value of your product while the items remain in your leads' cart.

  • Enables you to send special offers

A large number of studies confirm that the number one reason for cart abandonment is unexpected costs, such as shipping. This integration allows you to include a discount (or coupon) for free shipping in your email marketing campaign workflow.

If this is economically viable for your business, it can make the difference between a potential customer returning to buy your ecommerce products. As a series of emails, you can try, in the first instance, to drive a purchase without the offer and save the offer for the next series of emails.

  • Automatic updates of new items are available

Shopify's integration with HubSpot allows you to segment contacts based on Shopify purchase properties, so you can create lists and send emails to people who have purchased a particular item.

As soon as a new version of that item becomes available, or a new service related to that purchase is launched, you can send a new email to the relevant contact list. The email should reference that previous purchase to create more interest and drive sales.

  • Create targeted lists

Think about what you sell and ask yourself: Can you segment people into groups based on the type(s) of products they buy? HubSpot integration allows you to create smart lists based on these purchases.

Here's a simplified example: Apple has a list of people who have bought laptops and another list of people who have bought phones.

  • Engage the people on the "laptop" list with a workflow that promotes Apple computer accessories (monitor, mouse, keyboard, charger, etc.).
  • Engage people on the "phones" list with a workflow that promotes phone accessories (case, headset, charger, screen protector, etc.).

Now apply this example to your ecommerce.

  • Have dashboards with information about your ecommerce

Dashboards are summaries of a page in HubSpot and creating an ecommerce dashboard can provide a quick overview of your Shopify shop's performance, so you can quickly and easily track and review monthly sales, the percentage of deals that close, or the number of abandoned carts.

  • Improve your company's customer service

HubSpot's CRM allows marketing, sales and customer service teams to track all of their interactions with leads and customers based on a single source of true data. With Shopify integration, the CRM becomes even more powerful because actual purchase data is synced in real time with your ecommerce.

When data flows both ways, customer service teams know immediately what products a customer has purchased and don't need to wait for Sales to enter the data into the system. This also allows you to create automated experiences through the use of chatbots and AI so customers can submit support tickets and seek help at their convenience.

how do I integrate HubSpot with my Shopify shop?

Shopify's integration with HubSpot has become one of the most valuable tools in the e-commerce industry, engaging consumers in a non-intrusive way and embracing Inbound Marketing best practices.

But how can I connect HubSpot with my Shopify shop?

Occam brings you the perfect solution for this integration: we take care of everything.

just get in touch with us and we'll get to work.

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