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Inbound marketing and video marketing = perfect fusion

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In recent times we have heard a lot the phrase "Inbound Marketing", but... Do you know what it really is? Inbound Marketing is a strategy that mixes marketing and advertising and aims to attract customers, help them with their purchase and build long-term customer loyalty. Do you know the names Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah? They are the co-founders of Inbound Marketing. The Inbound methodology consists of three stages:

  1. Attract: in this stage, you try to attract future customers through relevant and useful content.
  2. Engage: this engagement stage begins the moment the customer performs the desired action.
  3. Delight: in this last stage, the objective, as the name suggests, is to fascinate,please the customer and make their experience with the company exceptional every time they interact with it.

These stages are part of the conversion funnel, which in recent years has evolved into what is known as the flywheel. This evolution has gone from being linear to circular.

Video is an audiovisual content that, as time goes by, grows more and more. And video marketing? It is one of the best content strategies that you can use to make your business evolve. Companies are increasingly using it to promote their products and services. It is an easy, original and economical way to attract future customers. If you have a company and you have not yet created a video marketing, IT IS TIME! Do you want a reason? Audiovisual content is better stored in the memory than textual content. Nowadays, the most consumed content is audiovisual content.

Some agencies already use it to explain what the Inbound methodology consists of

The Inbound strategy is very present and there are many videos in which both this content strategy and the video strategy are merged. It is an audiovisual content that combines video marketing, which is the format in which it is created, as well as the Inbound methodology, as it is the content that is explained in the video itself.

It is a perfect fusion that will help you to generate engagement for a long time, as it consists of establishing a solid and constant relationship with your customers. You will establish it through a commitment that you will have with them and that if you keep it, those customers will stay with you for a long time. Some agencies that use video to tell what Inbound Marketing is about are the following:

Improve your content strategy by merging Inbound Marketing and video marketing.

Through Inbound Marketing you will produce a lot of content and very diverse content, and you will be able to attract users in an attractive way. For that, it will be useful to design infographics, write posts or eBooks .

According to HubSpot, the percentage of users who prefer to watch videos produced by marketers in Inbound strategies is 43%. Do you know why video is such a successful format?

  • The content shown in it is attractive, original, captivating, which produces a high impact on the audience.
  • The high interactivity with the audience.
  • The high capacity for viralisation and visualisation with respect to users.
  • SEO: achieving a good positioning through, for example, keywords.
  • Low cost: You don't have to spend a million dollars to create a good video.

do you want to improve your Inbound strategy with the help of video marketing? If you need a boost for your company to grow and you don't know how to achieve it, take this merger and put it into practice, you will see how everything changes.

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