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How to use Instagram to grow your business

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Social networks have become a fundamental tool for interaction between people. Moreover, they have been identified as great allies when it comes to boosting a business and making yourself known globally. To achieve your goals, it is important to establish objectives in line with your social media marketing plan through the S.M.A.R.T. strategy and optimise your impact on the networks.

That's why we offer you some tips on how to take the plunge and benefit from what the different platforms have to offer. In this case, we propose solutions to help you get the most out of your Instagram account.

Redes sociales aliadas para crecer tu negocio

why use Instagram?

According to the 2020 annual report created by the digital agencies We Are Social and Hootsuite , almost 60% of the global population uses the Internet, and more than half of them use social networks, with Instagram reaching 1 billion users, making it the fourth most used social network in the world.

Before choosing Instagram as a recruitment channel, it is important to know your target, that is, to identify your potential customers. Taking this into account will make it easier to find the social network that best fits your market niche. For example, Instagram is clearly a social network with a young demographic profile, as statistics (Statista 2019) show that 71% of users are under 35 years old. If your target is segmented within another age range, it would be advisable to look for other alternatives, such as Facebook, for example.

It is worth noting that 50% of Instagram users follow at least one commercial brand (Mention), which means that companies have a great opportunity to increase their reach through this social network. For this and much more, you should consider Instagram as a good tool to develop your marketing strategy in the digital world.

Tips to increase followers and engagement to your posts

Engagement is an Instagram data that takes into account the participation of your followers towards your content, that is to say, the interaction. This could be in the form of likes, comments or shares. Within the different platforms, Instagram exceeds the level of interaction up to 4 times above the others.

It is important to maintain that relationship with users and potential future customers. Showing interest and paying attention to your followers will increase their engagement with your business. 71% of customers who have had a positive experience with a brand through social media are more likely to recommend it to their friends and family. That's why you need to stay on top of your platforms on a daily basis, make sure your posts, mentions, likes and maintain a good relationship with your followers.

Consejos para el engagement

There are plenty of tactics you can use to engage new users on Instagram and maintain a relationship with existing ones. Here are a few of them:

  • Instagram Stories: According to Hootsuite statistics, 62% of users who regularly use Instagram Stories say they feel more interested in a product when they see it through them. Stories are a visual format adapted to the screen of the device that lasts 24 hours on the platform. Within this tool, you will have access to various resources to accompany your photos or videos. GIFs, emoticons, music, among others, are some of these animated resources that will increase your views on the social network.

  • Content: Instagram is a highly visual platform, so creativity in your posts is essential to attract the attention of your audience. Users respond better to a visual stimulus than to textual information and interact more with this kind of posts. Instagram allows you to develop your creativity with a wide range of tools that will help you achieve a much more attractive profile for your business.

  • The role ofInfluencers: An influencer has an established audience and is able to persuade others due to their level of trustworthiness and reach on Instagram. They can help you gain a large number of followers in a short period of time.
    They will promote your product or service in a way that is more relatable to their followers. With influencer marketing, messages will reach your audience without appearing too much like you are selling them a product.
  • Call to Attention (CTA): Publish content that invites participation, so that your followers feel feedback from you. That is why the social network has different functions to improve the engagement of your audience. Surveys, questionnaires, questions, a countdown, are some of the interactions that will allow you to establish a more direct relationship with your followers.

  • Paid advertising: This is mainly linked to attracting new followers on the platform. You can create ads from your own publications or create content to advertise via Stories. Set a budget that fits your goals and you can track the performance of your ads. On average, advertising on Instagram costs between €0.14 and €4. The price varies depending on the ad model, the location (in Stories it is usually cheaper), depending on the date of publication (on dates like Christmas or Black Friday it usually costs more), the time the ad is on the social network, among others.

  • Hashtags: Studies and statistics show that using between 3 and 5 hashtags is the best for this social network. They could be described as the keyword of social networks, as they are useful for classifying the content of your publications. Using them correctly will increase the possibility of new users discovering you and interacting with your content.

Tools that can help you

To develop your creativity within the social network and also to get a better profile, we recommend some external tools that will be of great help.

  • Canva: is a website with different graphic design functions and is very useful when creating templates for social networks, whether in the format of posts, stories or posters.
  • LInktree: is a tool that allows you to group different external links within the same link. In the case of Instagram, which allows only one address in the biography, the option becomes interesting to show all the important channels of your profile.
  • Alternative text: this is a visibility technique that allows you to add a more complete description of your photos. It is a very useful tool in terms of SEO.
  • Instagram insights: it is a completely free tool that allows you to measure data from your posts and stories, as well as the behaviour of your followers and other information that can help you determine your strategy.

It can all help your Instagram stats and sales if you do it right. Social media can successfully grow your business. Create a strategy that fits your networks and your goals and make the most of it.

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