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how to use video marketing in B2B?

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welcome to the video marketing!

are you looking for a way to turn your company into a magnet for potential customers, to present your business in an original and attractive way?

Whatever your objective, in this post you will find all the information you need to start using video in your company. You have an advantage if you are a B2B business, because you are trying to conquer a peer. It goes without saying that if you manage to reach their mind, you will produce a reaction. And if you reach their heart, you will generate commitment. Video marketing is the ideal vehicle to achieve these objectives, but do you know why?

Find out in this post.

3 best practices of video marketing in B2B

We all want love to last forever, and so do your customers. To do this, you need to analyse their tastes, preferences and why not? You need to define the buyer persona or archetype of the ideal customer for your products or services and deliver the value they need in their purchasing decisions.

And once you know them well and are able to put yourself in their shoes, it will be the perfect time to deliver relevant content in the form of video. Here are some ways to apply video marketing in B2B:

  • Content for each stage of the conversion funnel

do you remember what Inbound Marketing is? It combines marketing techniques and non-intrusive advertising to contact the user at the beginning of the buying process and accompany them until the final transaction. This process is carried out through the appropriate content for each of the phases and the user's profile.

The Inbound methodology is divided into 4 phases: discovery (attraction), consideration (conversion), decision (closing) and loyalty (delight). In other words, a process by which a stranger becomes a visitor, a lead or sales opportunity, a customer and, finally, a brand prescriber. Video can positively intervene in this process in the following way:

  • Discovery phase - attraction!

In this first stage, we seek to attract traffic to our website or blog. Or rather, it is when a stranger comes to visit us, but does not yet know us. What we want in this first contact is to attract their attention, so it is best to use short and direct content. For example: Bumper Ads, a few seconds of video can get your video marketing strategy off the ground.

For the blog, you can accompany your first posts with 1-minute explanatory videos that will help to understand the message much better. Imagine you are a company that sells technology solutions for SMEs. An ideal post for this phase would be: The digital transformation in 2021. In addition, by accompanying it with a short explanatory video, you can use the great appeal of Motion Graphics to show trends or challenges. Even, if you are short of time, you can get in front of the camera and tell it yourself.

Other inspiring ideas: spots, short tutorials, animated infographics..

  • Consideration phase: Conversion!

We move on to the second phase, where the user has already shown interest in your brand. What can we do to keep them moving forward in the sales cycle?

This is the perfect moment to tell them in video the details of your products and services: how they work, what problems they solve, what their advantages are, etc. The user will quickly understand the problem or need they have, which will lead them to investigate different solutions. Following the previous example, it would be great to talk to them about The 5 most revolutionary technologies in the B2B sector.

  • Decision phase - close!

We are approaching the end, although the best has not yet begun. In this third phase, users are already looking at a handful of options and solutions, and you have to recognise that your brand is among them. You know what you have to do: get the best out of yourself and get it to them. Therefore, it is essential that you tell them about yourself through webinars about the product or service you offer, explanatory videos that show how it works in simple terms, behind-the-scenes videos to show the day-to-day running of the company, remarketing..

There are a thousand ideas, but the one that matters to us is yours.

  • Loyalty phase: delight!

If you think that by having an attractive website and generating sales you have everything done, you are very wrong. In fact, it is advisable to retain customers to get new ones. Why do you think HubSpot announced a couple of years ago the evolution of the conversion funnel towards the flywheel? Precisely because, unlike the marketing funnel, the flywheel takes advantage of the momentum of a satisfied customer to get recommendations and recurring sales. It is a business that turns and turns, without having to return to the starting point once all the energy to get a customer has been deposited.

In the loyalty phase, you can create videos that reinforce brand values, with creative formats. You can even make testimonial videos. Or simply introduce new products to existing customers.

"The higher the speed and the lower the friction, the more advocates you will have for your business, and they are the ones who will grow the customer-based wheel"(HubSpot).

  • Present your business in an original way

Animated video is a great way to present your brand in an original way. It avoids filming, conveys messages clearly, shows products and services in an original way, is a great way to advertise, differentiates you from the competition and enhances your brand. And this is very interesting for the B2B sector, which has found it very difficult to reach the right audience at the right time. Or rather, to put contextual marketing into practice.

  • Improving SEO positioning

The video format also favours SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for two main reasons: if we include it on our website, we increase the time the user spends on it, and YouTube helps us to gain positions thanks to the possibilities it offers to include links, tags and descriptions, among other things.

Conclusions about video marketing in B2B

In short, there are a multitude of options for using video marketing in B2B. In this post we have explained a few of them.

You are part of an industry that reinvents itself every year due to the need to differentiate itself, regardless of whether you are a large, small or medium-sized company. Because, regardless of size, you want and strive to improve and optimise your publications, as well as to gain the public's trust. And for that reason alone, you should apply video marketing.

It is one of the key formats for digital marketing in the B2B sector. Do you already know how to exploit the video format? If you have any doubts, call us.

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