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The most used marketing words

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are you familiar withthewords buyer persona, Call to Action or Inbound Marketing? If you are thinking about a marketing strategy for your company, this content will help you understand the service better. Today we share a small glossary of terms related to the marketing sector . Each field has its own jargon and here we leave you ours .

Surely you have read a text in which some of these words were written and you did not know their meaning. We are going to explain the meaning of many of them. Not all of them, but some of them, specifically, 12 terms related to the day to day marketing. These words are essential to carry out a good content strategy and to understand each other between the different departments and the marketing department.

12 words widely used in marketing

We offer you a list of the most used words in marketing. We have written them in alphabetical order, so it will be easier and quicker for you to find them if you need them at any given moment.

Letter B

  • Brandstreaming

Brandstreaming is a marketing strategy that a company uses to create specific content. With what purpose? To achieve greater visibility and / or highlight the products or services offered. Today, it is one of the most used strategies in the marketing world because it is an initiative that generates abundant presence on the Internet through platforms such as blogs or social networks.

  • Buyer persona

It is the fictitious representation of the ideal customer based on data such as age, employment, gender, tastes, personal and professional goals or hobbies. There can be more than one buyer persona for a company. They are different representations and, as each person they represent has their own interests, the content that interests them is also different. That is why a type of content is created aimed at one or the other.

Letter C

  • CRM or Customer Relationship Management

This is a business management model that aims to get to know customers in depth in order to achieve greater customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This term is also used for business management software, an important element when you want to keep track of customers and save their history in order to provide a better customer experience.

  • CRO or Conversion Rate Optimisation

A conglomerate of techniques that make it possible for a company's website to improve and increase visits to it, as well as for visiting users to carry out the desired action, translated as "Conversion Rate Optimisation".

  • CTA or Call to action

As its name suggests, it is a call to action addressed to the user. Through a link, inserted on a button or banner, the company asks the user to carry out a certain action, such as downloading an ebook or requesting a demo, depending on the marketing objectives of the company in question.

Letter E

  • Email Marketing

Action that consists of sending emails to a database or contact list. This contact list can be made up of potential customers. It is considered a direct marketing activity. The content of the emails can include commercial aspects or topics, for example, promoting the services or products that the company offers, although they can also be used to offer complementary information to users who have not yet made a clear decision tobuy, informing and educating them about their interests and needs.

  • Engagement

It is a French term that translates as "commitment" or "involvement". Whose? The customer's with respect to the company. How can a high degree of engagement between customer and company be achieved? The company must establish a good relationship with its prospects, where factors such as reciprocity and solidity are present, as well as doing everything in its power to make the customer feel like one of the company's partners.

Letter I

  • Inbound Marketing

This is the perfect marketing strategyif you want to achieve results and put all your attention on the customer experience. The company that uses it wants to offer users -and potential customers- a high content value from a non-intrusive perspective. Away from cold calling. In this type of marketing, several attraction techniques areused, such as: SEO positioning, Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

Letter S

  • SEM or Search Engine Marketing

It is an online marketing strategy that is used to promote a company' s website , as well as to increase the visibility of that page and get a greater number of customers. The main difference with SEO, a concept that we share below, is thatSEM requires a financial investment.

  • SEO or Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is one of the best known words in the world of marketing. It consists of a set of practices that try to improve a company's web positioning. Where? In the ranking provided by search engine results. The results can be seen in the longterm.

  • Storytelling

Storytelling is the art of telling stories that attract the attention of users. In marketing it is often used in the field of video marketing. Through the telling of a story you can connect with the audience. It is one of the techniques that works best to attract customers.

Letter V

  • Video Marketing

It is a tool whose function is to use audiovisual content with the aim of advertising or promoting a product, service or even a company. Over the years, its use has been increasing.

what do you think of this list? These are justsome oftheconcepts that exist. Did you knowthem? Did you know their meaning? Now, when you go into the marketingwebsites to look for the service that best suits your company, you will surely understand everything much better.

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