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how to improve the user experience?

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Ecommerce has become one of the main sales channels in today's market. Digital marketing is the order of the day, and to improve the new strategies that are emerging, it is essential to focus on improving the user experience, thanks to this, they will be more willing to return to buy within our page.

what is user experience?

We can call user experience the whole process that a user goes through when interacting with a product. It is very important not to confuse the terms "user experience" and "usability". Let's see the difference below:

-User experience: This term refers to a set of factors and elements that are related to the user's interaction in a specific environment, resulting in a positive or negative perception of the product or device.

-Usability: On the other hand we have the term usability, this term is more linked to the website, it refers to the ease that users have to use a tool or a web page.

To understand the difference in a single sentence, if there is a good web usability, the user experience will be positive, although there may be a situation in which there is a good usability but it does not generate a positive experience.

As a conclusion regarding the term user experience:

  • Many different factors are involved in this process, external and internal to the company and the user.
  • The user experience can be previously conditioned by the user's expectations and previous experiences.
  • It takes into account factors that are not usually taken into account, such as the user's emotional behaviour or aesthetics and design.

how can we facilitate this user experience?

Here is a list of tips to make it easier for our users to experience us:

  1. Facilitate product searches
    One of the most important factors for customers is that all the processes they have to carry out are simple and can be done without any problem within the website. An example of this would be to insert in a visible place within the page a visible search bar so that users can search for the product they want without wasting time.

  2. Structure and navigation
    The structure of the web page must be very well thought out so that it is easy for the user to perform the action in the shortest possible time and with minimum effort. Although a web page has all the necessary information, it must be well structured and designed so that this information serves a purpose. For this, it is logical to add visual aids so that the user can easily find what he/she is looking for.

  3. Divide by categories
    By grouping your products by categories, what you are achieving is that the customer can get to where he/she wants to go sooner, as well as being able to see more products related to the one he/she was looking for, which can lead him/her to buy another product, making it easier for him/her to make a decision.

  4. Create attractive content
    It is very important to offer your customers a quality product, that is clear, but it is also important that your site has information that your audience finds relevant, this can easily be done through a blog, in this you can use SEO strategies that help you to position yourself in google and thus increase the traffic that comes to your website and thus leads and potential customers.

  5. Offer purchase reviews
    The most important thing is that the processes that users have to perform are quick and easy, an example to achieve this is that customers can save their purchases, ie, that what they enter in the cart is still there if the purchase has not yet been made.

  6. Loading time
    The loading time of your website is one of the most important features within the user experience, because if your page takes a long time to load, the bounce rate will increase and with it the traffic and potential customers will decrease.

  7. Make sure that the checkout process is fast
    Immediacy is always the best option, if users can make a purchase in 3 to 3 minutes, better than if it takes 5. Not to mention that you should have in your hand most of the payment methods on the market so as not to prevent any of the users from completing their purchase process.

  8. Responsive design
    Another key point when it comes to improving the user experience is responsive design, if you want your customer experience to be positive, they have to be able to use your website from their mobile phone, if they can't access or buy from other devices, you will be losing customers.

  9. Solve doubts
    Communication, in all relationships, is essential, so in the relationship between the brand and the customer, it is absolutely necessary. If a customer has a doubt, they must be able to easily communicate with the company to solve it. This feedback that users give us is very important to optimise our marketing strategy and we can know where we are failing and where we are getting it right.

  10. Follow-up after the purchase
    A very effective element is to rate the service once the user has purchased the product, so that we can have direct feedback that helps us to know the users' opinion.

  11. Reward system
    Creating a reward system is one of the oldest strategies, but also one of the most effective, these can be very successful if they are well thought out and applied correctly. An example of this is that you get a free cologne for every ten you buy.

What has become more than clear after this post is that the user experience is more than important in our marketing strategy, if the user is not happy with the experience, they will not continue buying. So keep in mind these eleven tips that we give you to improve the experience of your users and the traffic will only come to your website.

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