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how do you use social media in your Inbound strategy?

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Don't answer us yet. Think for a moment about the strategy you are following, the model you have defined, how often you share or publish content on them, which networks you are using, if you are getting the results you expect, where you are focusing... There are so many relevant questions we could ask about social networks that many professionals don't even question them

There are so many relevant questions that we could ask ourselves about social networks that many professionals do not even question them. They share content in any way without following a common and organised thread, and, as a result, they move further and further away from their objectives.

That's why today we want to share with you how you should use social media in your Inbound Marketing strategy, as well as its importance in the attraction process.

did you know that you can trigger the conversation with your users? It is in your hands.

The decisive role of social networks

When we talk about these social structures, we quickly think of getting followers, but in reality, there are many other alternatives. For example: generating more interaction with users. To achieve this, you need more than just publishing content, and this is precisely where the Inbound methodology comes into play. Publishing more does not mean getting better results. How many times have you shared arguments on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or Instagram without noticing a change in the results?

If this has happened to you, maybe you are not using them as much as they deserve. Maybe you are not even using them to their full potential and, even worse, you are not showing your audience why you are different. What you need, then, is to define your position:

  • Define your position. All companies that publish content on social networks do so with a clear objective in mind: to be read by those people who need to know about their products or services. Therefore, they must be very clear about their perspective and personality, as they must show the essence of the brand in all their communications.
  • Use social networks in line with the Inbound strategy. There is a huge amount of potential customers out there waiting to be reached by your brand, and you know it. Therefore, using social networks as a support technique for your Inbound Marketing strategy can be a good way to distribute your content of attraction and value.
  • Publish frequently with established times. Your company should establish a dynamic of frequent publication to increase the chances of interaction. In addition, it is important to select the best time slot to publish according to the hours of activity of your audience.
  • Create valuable content. If you want to know if your content is providing value to users, start by measuring the level of response. Try to put yourself in their shoes, generate content that provides them with the information they crave, and try to provide them with the help they need.

If you want to be your users' best bet, don't hesitate to give them the value they deserve.

I don't know how to do my social media strategy, what do I do?

aumentar las ventas en el sector tecnológicoUsed to hearing 'you learn from your mistakes', perhaps it's time to take a break. When it comes to attracting potential customers, any mistake can be decisive, because if users are not interested in what you share, they will not hesitate to look for other alternatives.

You will have learned, but you will have missed an opportunity, so we want to give you some tips on how to avoid mistakes in your strategy:

  1. Ifyou do not know how to implement your social media strategy, you can go to an agency specialised in Inbound Marketing, as their experience in the field makes them the best team to advise you or to do the strategy for you. As a result, not only will you have learned how to do it, but you will achieve the expected results.
  2. Internalise and put into practice the techniques mentioned in the previous section and try to implement them in the best way possible. It is important to analyse the results you are obtaining.
  3. Study the activity of competitors on social networks, as well as transmitting the spirit of our brand in each and every one of our communications with users.
  4. Acquire knowledge about the relationship between social networks and Inbound Marketing strategies, best tactics, etc.
  5. Think about the content you want to publish and remember that you must provide specific value.
  6. Choose the platforms on which you are going to distribute content, but always thinking about your audience.
  7. Try to listen to the needs of your potential customers and get to know them in depth: what they say about you, where, by whom and when.

The analysis and success achieved can be the best basis for your content generation and user interaction.

what can you achieve with a good use of social media?

It is difficult to define point by point the amount of results you can achieve as a result of a good social media strategy, so we encourage you to put these points into practice and let us hear from you. However, we would like to end this post with a reminder.

Attitude always counts, as you know, but in social media, as in so many other areas, it is not enough to put all the effort in the world. Awakening the interest of your potential customers, as well as attracting them, is an action over which you have the power, especially considering the democratisation of the online world and the amount of opportunities it offers us.

You have the tools you need to reach customers more easily and you are in the process of creating an Inbound Marketing strategy, so there are no valid 'buts' to effective online presence. Start by listening to your customers, because listening has never been more important.

how far are you willing to go?

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