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Examples and techniques for success with your elevator pitch

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Elevator pitch is an anglicism used in the presentation of a project to customers or shareholders to seek a decision on whether or not to invest in it. Its name elevator pitch is due to the fact that it resembles a lift ride that lasts no more than 30 seconds. Today we tell you some good techniques to prepare it and examples so you can understand it even better. Don't miss it!

4 techniques to create a good elevator pitch

  1. define your target audience. If you want to have a real value proposition, you must define your target audience. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of wanting to reach everyone and, although it is the dream of all companies, it is very difficult to develop a product or service that pleases everyone. In this sense, defining your audience is key, and not only for the elevator pitch but for the success of the business. You must define your ideal client, detailing their characteristics, interests, demographic data...describe them in as much detail as possible.
  2. identify the problem. Successful ideas are those that solve a problem or satisfy a need of your ideal client. Remember that proposals are not made to convince an audience of something, but rather to offer solutions to needs. At this point it is important that you research in the media what your target audience is talking about (social networks, newspapers, forums). Then, contrast this information with interviews. By getting in direct contact with your audience you will focus your idea better and, in your elevator pitch, you can back up what you say with the sources consulted and interviews conducted. This will give additional value to your message.
  3. develop your solution: The important thing in this step is to know how to convey it in simple, accessible language, so that both the target audience and the investor are clear about the value it will bring.
  4. finally, shape your elevator pitch, remembering that it should not exceed one minute when you say it out loud.

Ejemplos y técnicas para triunfar con tu elevator pitch

Elevator pitch examples

  • Every day we spend an hour and a half of our time gathering information for reports. Often they go unnoticed or completely ignored. X stores information from all the tools your business uses. Simply tell us what report you need and we will produce it. For example, a graph of every source of information in the last month, and your report will be ready in just 30 seconds.

This message makes you realise how productive your business could be and offers you a product solution with a simple example.

  • The founders of my business had previously been sales people. Guess what the worst part of their day-to-day work was? No, it wasn't arguing with sales managers, it was having to do reports. And I don't blame them, because you know how boring it is to do them. That's why they created X, a tool with which you can do reports in just a few seconds.

This elevator pitch also works because it explains the real inspiration for the product and it's short

  • As a parent with a long work schedule and kids at home waiting for you for dinner, what do you find most stressful when you get home late? The lack of time to make healthy food, right? Or the pressure of having to cook while helping your kids with their homework and telling you about their day? Our X app will solve it all for you, providing you with catering companies close to your home that will deliver a varied menu of freshly made healthy food to your door. In two clicks you can have dinner ready and spend more time and quality time with your family after work.

Every good marketer knows that sentimental links in advertising campaigns are often very effective, so one option to capture the attention of investors is to appeal to their emotions.

  • I understand that ABC's biggest problem is its outdated and inefficient systems. With more than 10 years of experience managing digitalisation projects, I can optimise our technological processes to speed up decision making and results. As I did in company X, with a very limited budget, where together with other colleagues we implemented a dashboard for all marketing teams. Thanks to them, they discovered a new segmentation and designed campaigns that increased their sales by 20%...

In this case, we sell a new and digital solution with an emphasis on the benefits it brings, a fundamental aspect in today's environment, so dependent on technology.

Ejemplos y técnicas para triunfar con tu elevator pitch

We hope that the concept of the elevator pitch has become clear to you and that with the techniques and examples that we have given you today, you will get down to work to achieve a really good one. Thank you for reading us!

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