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Landing page content to generate conversions in the IT sector

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Getting leads is a task that requires work and effort. We do not try to push but to attract with our content. It is the main key to attract visitors through the Inbound methodology. However, content is not only important in the posts we write, where it plays a leading role. It also plays a key role in the other elements of this methodology. Therefore, on this occasion, we will see what is the best content you can use on the landing pages of your technology company to generate sales opportunities.

what should I change on my landing page?

how can I create the perfect landing page? How can you help me increase my conversion rate? Marketers in the IT sector ask themselves these questions. They are looking for answers to continue on a path to success, a path marked by goals and objectives, a path that leads to conversions that, without knowing why, are not being realised.

If you are a company in the IT sector and you are asking yourself any of these questions, you should know which are the elements of your landing page where you should stop, observe, reflect and improve. Remember: If you are not aware, you will never be able to change!

Important factors in an IT landing page

There are many landing pages that we can create in our company. Many and very different. Some may attract more attention because of their appearance, which, to begin with, is not bad. The first impression that prospects get depends on this factor. However, sometimes, it can happen that we focus our attention only on the appearance of the page and forget a fundamental point of it: its content. So that this does not happen we must:

  • Review all the aspects that make up the page:
  • Title.
  • Development text.
  • Calls to action (CTA).
  • Clear and structured design.
  • Valuable content offer.
  • Form.
  • Check the speed of the site.
  • Check that all the elements of the page match.
  • Check that you understand, at a glance, what it is trying to tell you.

IT sector: How should the content of landing pages be to generate conversions?

When creating landing pages, we must not lose sight of the fact that it is an element associated with an offer for our users. Therefore, we must constantly think about them, about their intentions. We must put ourselves in their shoes, observe the appearance of our page, consider whether it is sufficient for them, and, above all, show clarity and organisation in its design. Why? Precisely because we want the offer we are offering them to be understood at a glance.

Thus, the optimal content to generate conversions in the IT sector should be:

  1. Headline / subtitle text. The first thing users will most likely see when they are directed to a landing page is the title, which is more than enough reason to stop and invest time in it. Whatever the text, it must be clear, because users must know what the advantage or benefit they are going to get from the offer is. For example: the title "3 common mistakes with flight companies" accompanied by the subtitle "How to avoid mistakes with flight companies".
  2. The text we use on our landing page must be clear and easy to understand. Text that is too long can be confusing and may lead users away from the possibilities of converting. At this point, we must remember that, many times, "less is more", that is, the fewer elements on your page that can distract the user, the less likely it is that the user will escape from the conversion process.
  3. Personalised content: This factor must be taken into account, especially when it comes to users who have already left their details on a form so that they do not have to leave the same details they have already provided previously.
  4. The content of the landing pages must be designed with your users in mind.
  5. The content of the offer must be in line with the headline. It must finish explaining the value and importance it has for the users. It is a content that must be able to lead them to take action.
  6. Without a proper format, the content will not fulfil its function. The format can help to better understand the content of the landing page, so it becomes another factor to take into account in our landing pages.
  7. Accompany the content with multimedia elements, for example: an image.
  8. The text used in the forms is essential, because, thanks to them, we can collect information from our visitors to, later, convert them into leads and take them to the thank you page. It must be clear and oriented to the data we want to obtain. It is important to bear in mind that the easier we make it for the user, the more possibilities there are for them to fill them in.

Landing pages are proof that the amount of text, the format of the offer, the fields used in the form, the additional information and the images used are decisive when it comes to generating conversions in IT companies.

the first impression is worth a lot!

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