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Content curation

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In today's article we are going to talk about content curation, but what is content curation? Well, this word is an Anglo-Saxon term that refers to the activity consisting of the selection and dissemination (curation) ofcontent on the web. And as we have already said in previous articles, content marketing is one of the most important strategies for companies and their brands, because thanks to content they can connect in a natural, fast and cost-free way with their audience .

Therefore, content curation is a technique that consistsof searching, compiling, filtering and selecting relevantinformation that we will find on the Internet, which will later be used to disseminate it through our channels.

Nowadays, having a blog linked to our website will help us to connect our brand with the audience, to create a universe of content and above all to position our website. But like everything else, it is sometimes difficult to decide what content is ideal.

Below we will discuss some of the benefits of curation and recommend some of the various essential platforms that can help us in our task of online marketing.


Benefits of content curation:

  • Good technique for finding ideas for our content.
  • It helps to improve positioning.
  • It helps togive visibility to our brand.
  • Increases the number of followers.
  • Helps to reduce "infoxication".
  • Improves the online image and reputation of our brand.

7 essential steps for optimal content curation:

  1. Identify the needs of our audience.
  2. Search for information on the Internet.
  3. Filtering.
  4. Organise the information.
  5. Reinventing content.
  6. Share content.
  7. Measuring results.

Finally, as wesaid at the beginning, there are many tools that enter into the content curation phase, but we are only going to mention those that we consider most interesting to carry out this task:

Freedly - RSS reader

This is an essential tool for any professional looking to carry out good content curation c
. With this tool you will be able:

  • Search, filter and sort blogs by different categories.
  • You are always updating the contents shared by the blogs you follow.
  • Group contents that interest us to see them later. - Content aggregator

It is a very interesting platform, because it allows us to create our own online magazine according to our topics of interest. We add the categories or topics on which we want to see information and the application creates an online magazine instantly. It allows us:

  • Create your own content, as if it were a blog.
  • Share curated content on other networks such as Twitter or Facebook.
  • Access statistics to see the reach of the publications.

Pocket - Content aggregator

It is a very useful application, as it allows us to save all the information we are interested in from the Net. Features:

  • Tag the information collected.
  • Save by categories from the browser.
  • It also allows you to store content via Twitter, Pulse or Flipboard, among others.

Reddit - Community/forum

It is a community where content is grouped by topic. Users can vote on content and it will gain relevance. You can also subscribe to content so that it shows you the content that interests you most.

Menéame (net) - Content aggregator

Aggregator focused on contents of all topics. Users can vote for the published contents and thus be able to climb to the front page.

Pinterest - Image content aggregator

This social network allows you to archive images in virtual boards and by theme. Users interested in that theme can share your images or add them to their own boards. It also allows you to subscribe to profiles or boards that you like, which makes it a perfect tool to have classified information and always be up to date.

do you know any of these tools or do you use others? Share it with us, we are waiting for your opinion.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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