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Best time and day to post on Instagram

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Instagram, nowadays, is one of the most used social networks in Spain and all over the world. Therefore, many companies and individuals use this application to obtain income. Also, don't forget that uploading posts at the right time can make the engagement much higher and benefit the business much more. Today we tell you when is that time. Don't miss it!

Mejor hora y día para publicar en Instagram

what is the best time to post on Instagram?

The first thing you should know is that there is no absolute rule, so you should do an analysis of your insights long before following a global study with blind faith. For example, publish posts and stories with similar content at different times for a few weeks and create a report of the results through the insights that the application provides. Once you cross all these results, you will get some conclusions about the specific behaviour of your followers: at what time they are more connected or at what time they are more interactive.

However, a study by Later, a well-known social media content scheduling tool has recently updated its study on what is the best time to post on Instagram and the results are staggering. The study has been conducted on 35 million excluded posts, reels and IGTVs analysing interactions and views between 2019 and 2021. The results have clarified that, globally, the best and worst times to post are, respectively:

-Monday: best time 5AM; worst time 2PM

-Tuesday: best time 6AM; worst time 1 PM

-Wednesday: best time 6AM; worst time 10 AM

-Thursday: best time 5 AM; worst time 11 PM

-Friday: Best Time 6 AM; Worst Time 9 PM

-Saturday: Best time 6 AM; Worst time 8 PM

-Sunday: best time 6 AM; worst time 4 PM

Perhaps these Spanish times are a little surprising, but as we said, they are global averages that include the whole world, with much earlier times than we are used to, although the study itself acknowledged that these are times of low traffic in the application and that what this favours is that, with less traffic, your post gets more attention.

It has also been concluded that the best days to post are Saturdays and Sundays, holidays in most of the world, and the worst days are Wednesdays between 10 AM and 4 PM and Thursdays between 9 and 11 PM.

Tips for posting on Instagram

After telling you some of the best days to post, it's also important to follow a few tips to make sure your posts don't go unnoticed. Stay tuned!

  1. Follow your daily posting habits, i.e. breakfast, break time, lunch, after work and in the evening.
  2. Choose the right hashtags for each post and add a simple text to accompany the image.
  3. Take into accountthe trends of the moment: what people are talking about that day, the current hashtags or the topic that has been the talk of the week.
  4. Post videos or Reels - Instagram Reels allow you to create fun videos, edit them into multi-second clips and add special effects. Unlike other types of posts such as stories or feed posts, Reels are displayed publicly in the Explore section, making them a valuable opportunity to increase your account's visibility and reach.
  5. Follow instagrammers or influencers you like, comment on their photos and share them.
  6. Write awesome captions. They should be consistent across all your posts. Instagram captions can be up to 2,200 characters, so you can write anything from a quick comment to a detailed narrative. However, keep in mind that only the first two lines of text will be visible and to see it all you will need to click "see more", so synthesise.
  7. Be consistent in your posts, and turn on notifications from your favourite users so you don't miss their posts.

Mejor hora y día para publicar en Instagram

Finally, always remember that each account has its own unique way of interacting with its audience. Therefore, there are many ways to define the best time to post on Instagram. The important thing is that you take into account the specific characteristics of your audience and post accordingly. Also, don't be afraid to experiment and try new things to measure the reach you can achieve. Thank you very much for reading us!

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