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Tips to follow on how to create a good podcast

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Nowadays, podcasts have become one of the most popular audio formats in society, as they are arguably the modern version of radio. Today we tell you exactly what they are and how to create a good podcast. Stay tuned!

what is a podcast?

A podcast is an audio broadcast over the internet that can be listened to live or later, usually after they have been edited and reviewed.

Their success lies in the fact that nowadays there is very little free time and life is more hectic, so consuming content while doing other things, such as playing sports, cooking, studying or driving, is perfect for the audience.

Consejos a seguir sobre cómo crear un buen podcast

Top tips to follow to create a good podcast

  • Choose a good topic for your podcast. It is important that you define what you want to talk about, as trying to cover many different topics can confuse or tire your listeners. Choose a topic that you are passionate about, that interests you and that you know a lot about. If you know about something specific, don't hesitate to talk about it.
  • Define your ideal listener. It is very important that you define the profile of the person who is going to listen to you, in order to offer them the content that most interests them. At this point you should create one or more buyer persona profiles, to give life to your ideal listener. Thanks to the creation of this profile you will know their needs, doubts, fears, etc. Once you know who and how your audience is, you can focus your content to connect with them.
  • Choose the right participants. For a podcast to be dynamic, it is interesting to have collaborators to participate with you, give another point of view and share more information. Remember that they should be people of authority, if possible, on the subject you are dealing with.
  • Plan your content well in advance. Before you start recording, you need to prepare an outline or a script. Also, always write down the topics you want to cover in the podcast so that you don't leave yourself blank or forget any of the points you want to cover.
  • Manage the length beforehand. Set a time limit for each programme. Similarly, do your research and find the right and ideal length according to the tastes of your listeners. You can try out what is the best length. However, the ideal length is between 15 and 60 minutes.

Consejos a seguir sobre cómo crear un buen podcast

  • Prepare yourself vocally before you start. A podcast is an audio file, so your voice is a key element. You have to speak clearly, have a good tone of voice and speak fluently, you must be understood perfectly. It is also important that your guests have these vocal characteristics, as the better they are, the clearer the audio will be and the better the information will be understood.
  • Always take care of the details: above all, don't forget to give your podcast a title, as this is what the audience will recognise you by. Also, look for an aesthetic for the cover that attracts attention, that is attractive and that is in line with the theme of the programme.
  • Have quality recording equipment. A podcast requires few technical tools, but make sure they are of good quality. You need to have a good microphone to capture the audio well and to be understood clearly.
  • Edit your podcast afterwards: Once you have recorded all the material, it is time to edit it so that it reaches the audience in the most professional way possible. In this process you can correct small details such as background noises or sounds, which often cannot be avoided. Here you can also remove long pauses, cut unnecessary parts or parts where you got stuck, remove mistakes, etc. You can also choose music or elements you want to add, such as sound effects.
  • Publish your podcast: After editing, the only thing left to do is to publish it. At this point, you only have to choose the ideal platform to publish it.
  • Spread your podcast. It's time to reach your audience and spread your podcast. This is where social networks like Twitter or Instagram come in, which are the ideal platforms to spread your content, although you can also do it through your blog or website if you have one. In the same way, create an attractive message to promote your podcast, attract the attention of the audience so that they will listen to you. A perfect strategy is to share a small fragment to create curiosity.

Now that you know what a podcast is, all you have to do is follow our advice and get on with it - lots of encouragement!

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