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Workflow basics in HubSpot

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In Inbound Marketing strategies, we have repeatedly heard the concept of workflows.

what is a workflow?

Workflows in HubSpot are a set of rules and actions that are automatically executed when certain conditions are met. Workflows are used to automate and simplify repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails to leads or updating the status of a task in a spreadsheet. Marketing automation is an important tool in any inbound strategy, as it helps you simplify and automate repetitive tasks and follow up with the people you engage with in a timely manner.

Marketing automation is used to send relevant and personalised messages to potential and current customers at the right time, which can significantly improve the customer experience and increase conversion rates. In addition, marketing automation allows you to track customer interactions with your brand, helping you to better understand their needs and preferences and adapt your strategies accordingly.

It is leveraged in conjunction with content marketing and search marketing to create an efficient workflow that attracts, converts and retains customers. By using marketing automation, you can save valuable time and resources by automating repetitive tasks and focusing on more important activities that help you achieve your business goals.

Set up a workflow in HubSpot

To set up a workflow in HubSpot, you must first define the conditions that must be met for the workflow to run. For example, if you want to send a follow-up email to a lead after a certain number of days have passed since their last follow-up, you can set a condition that checks the date of the last time an email was sent to the lead.

Once you have defined the conditions, you can set actions to be executed when these conditions are met. For example, if you want to send a follow-up email to a lead, you can set an action that sends an email using a predefined email template.

HubSpot offers a wide variety of options for configuring and customising your workflows, allowing you to tailor them to the specific needs of your business. You can use different types of conditions and actions, and you can create complex workflows that involve multiple steps and branching. In addition, you can use workflows in conjunction with other HubSpot tools, such as the CRM and marketing automation tool, to create complete and efficient automation solutions.


Workflows can be very useful in a variety of contexts, as they offer several advantages, such as:

  1. They improve efficiency: workflows allow you to automate and streamline the process of completing tasks, which reduces the time and resources required to complete them.
  2. Help maintain consistency: Workflows establish a set of rules and steps that must be followed to perform a task, ensuring that it is done consistently and delivers predictable results.
  3. Facilitate collaboration: workflows can be shared and used by multiple people, facilitating collaboration and teamwork.
  4. Enable tracking and control: workflows often include tracking and control mechanisms, which allow users to monitor the progress of tasks and resolve problems if they arise.
  5. Promote flexibility: workflows can be easily adapted and modified to meet the changing needs and requirements of an organisation.

To create a workflow in HubSpot, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account and go to the workflows section.
  2. Click Create workflow in the top right corner.
  3. Give your workflow a name - this name will be visible only to you and your team, so choose one that is clear and easy to remember.
  4. Choose the type of object for your workflow - you can choose from contacts, companies, business, tickets or quotes.
  5. Select the conditions that must be met for the workflow to be triggered - for example, you can choose to trigger the workflow when a contact subscribes to an email list or when a company reaches a certain size.
  6. Add actions to be taken when the workflow conditions are met, for example, you can send an email to a contact or assign a task to a member of your team.
  7. Review your workflow and make sure it works correctly and meets your objectives. Once you are satisfied with your workflow, you can save it and activate it to automatically start working for your business.

There are many ways you can use marketing automation in your business, and many different tools you can use to do so.

Marketing automation is also very useful for lead nurturing, as it allows you to send relevant and personalised content to potential customers based on their interests and needs, which can significantly improve your conversion rate. In addition, marketing automation allows you to track customer interactions with your brand, which helps you to better understand their needs and preferences and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Lead nurturing is a marketing technique used to guide potential customers through the buying cycle and convert them into customers. Lead nurturing is carried out by using a variety of techniques, such as sending emails, publishing content on blogs and social media, and tracking customers' interactions with your brand. The idea is to provide valuable and relevant content that helps potential customers make an informed buying decision.

By bringing content marketing and search marketing together to create an efficient workflow that attracts, converts and retains customers, you can save valuable time and resources by automating repetitive tasks and focusing on more important activities that help you achieve your business goals.

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