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Advantages of using webinars in your content strategy

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After these years in which work and teaching have had to be done remotely, companies have had to reinvent themselves and look for new ways to facilitate the work of their employees and students. One of the best ideas to achieve this has been the webinar, basically training content in video format which can be viewed via the internet, in which classes or any type of training are given online. These are done live but most of them are recorded so that they can be viewed again later.

Making a webinar is very simple, there are many platforms with which to do it very simple and intuitive, so that any type of user can make use of them. Many of these have already integrated the option to record the webinar itself to make use of it. If you want to know what are the best platforms to make your webinar, read this post in which we tell you everything you need to know to choose your ideal platform.

Webinars have numerous advantages that will benefit your business in all aspects, here are the benefits that webinars bring to your content strategy.

10 advantages of webinars

1. Good content

What webinars achieve is to bring new content to your brand, which is different and makes your business stand out from the rest because it is original and users find it attractive.

2. Originality

Apart from the fact that the webinar itself is something original as we said in the previous point, the subject matter it deals with is totally versatile so you can achieve content that surprises users and identifies your brand as a valuable brand.

3. Feedback

In the webinar there is a chat with which potential customers can interact live in the webinar, which helps to establish relationships between the two and the company itself can take advantage of this to learn more about the tastes of their potential customers, what interests them most and what strategy to take with them because we can know what works best with them and what works worse. In addition to being able to generate a confidence that we ourselves did not have in us before, we already had their interest (so they are in the webinar) and now we have their confidence.

4. Economic

One of the great advantages of webinars is that they are very simple to prepare and much cheaper to prepare than any other marketing event. For a webinar you only need to get in front of your computer and talk to your customers. It is much more effective than most events and the cost is practically zero. All are advantages, what are you waiting for?

5. Flexibility

In a marketing event you do, for example in a rented place, you will have to adapt to the maximum number of people allowed to gather in that place, their schedules... not to mention the price you should pay to rent it. But in a webinar all these decisions are made by you, and as we said before, without high costs! You can deal with the topic you want, giving free rein to your creativity, lasting the time you think appropriate, without any minimum or maximum time limit and with the number of users you want and that allows you the platform on which you are going to do it. It is online, you do not need to keep the security distance!

6. Reusable content

The webinars are broadcast live on a platform, but this does not prevent them from being recorded, this is an added bonus because you not only reach the audience that was live in the webinar, but you can upload this content to your own website and reach more potential customers. Besides enriching your website by adding valuable content that helps users to know a little more about your values and know your products. This is very helpful because they stop perceiving you as a simple brand and begin to humanise you.

7. Global audience

If you hold an in-person event, for example, in Madrid, only people who live in Madrid or who are able and willing to travel to Madrid will attend. In these times it is a complete irresponsibility to hold events with a large number of guests and travelling is not always easy. But thanks to webinars, you can have an audience from all over the world, because when it is held online, the audience you are addressing is global. If you have a potential client who lives in Latin America and you want them to listen to your webinar, it is as easy as connecting from their computer and they will be able to watch it.

8. New clients

A customer who is interested in your product may not have time to attend your event in person, but he can connect to his computer for 40 minutes, so by doing webinars, what you are getting are more customers, apart from opening your international market as we said in the previous point, you are getting those big customers who are always busy to attend virtually or watch the recorded video afterwards.

9. Brand image

Your brand acquires a great added value, not only by offering original and different content, but new clients and users will have great respect for you because they will perceive you as a trustworthy, modern and dynamic brand.

10 Competition

This new beneficial format is still not as famous as it should be, many companies are unaware of this type of action or are more "old-fashioned", then, using it in your company you add a plus to your users that your competitors can not offer them, win your customers over the competition!

If you still didn't know about webinars or you weren't completely convinced, after these 10 advantages, you should have no doubts about how beneficial they are, so don't wait any longer and go and check that doing webinars in your online business strategy is the best thing you can do in these times. Hurry up and get ahead of your competition in the search for customers, catch them with webinars!

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