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5 basic tips on how to improve SEO positioning

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Nowadays, knowledge about SEO is vital to improve your positioning and visibility on the web. If your company has an online presence, you will already be familiar with web optimisation and its benefits. But, if you are not yet aware of the possibilities that SEO offers and want to explore how it can benefit your business, we are here to help you get results with 5 basic tips.

what is SEO?

SEO is all about optimising your website to make it more visible to search engines. In other words, it aims to improve your ranking in the organic results that appear on search engines like Google, so that your site will appear among the first options when someone searches for your content or services.

Users tend to look at the first links suggested to them by the browser, so the higher your page is positioned, the more likely they are to enter it. The visibility of your website and your company's results go hand in hand, and search engine optimisation is a way to improve it that is within your reach.

Our tips to improve your positioning

Optimisation consists of introducing changes in different parts or phases of the management of your website. Although these may seem small at first glance, the combination of them can have a great impact on your positioning results.

  1. Help search engines understand your content

    It is essential that your content is designed to be found, and this applies both to users who might be interested in it and to search engines. Search engines need to understand what your page is about in order to decide whether it will be useful to a user searching.

    Allowing search engines to see your website in the same way as users makes it easier for their algorithms to index and render it in the best possible way. To do this, you must give them access to the JavaScript, CSS and image files used on your page. If this does not happen, your site's search engine ranking will be negatively affected. For example, you can check how Google indexes your page through URL inspection tools with Google Search Console.

    Titles are another element that browsers take into account when positioning your website. The title is the most visible part of your content, so your communication through it must be natural and clear. Choose a useful and precise title and make sure that both the search engine and the user know what the subject of your page is just by reading it. Avoid using elements that are not related to the page. If the text you choose is too long or contains irrelevant information, the search engine will penalise you by showing only a part or an automatically generated title link.

    The <title> element, located within the <head> element in the HTML document, tells search engines the specific topic of your page. Use an original title for this element on each of your pages, differentiating them from each other .

  2. Use the meta-description tag and optimise images

    The meta-description is a tag through which you give search engines a summary of the content of your page. It can be longer than the title, consisting of one or two sentences, or even a short paragraph.

    When displaying your site in search results, search engines such as Google will display snippets of your page content that match the user's query. However, if their algorithm does not find a suitable text, the meta description tag will be displayed instead.

    If this is the case, it is important to write a text for the meta-description that informs the user about the content and, in turn, captures their attention. The description of your page must be relevant, so that the user can assess whether it will be useful. In addition, it is advisable that its length is appropriate to what will be displayed in the search, prioritising that it is displayed in full.

    On the other hand, images are also a fundamental element on your website. Beyond the value they add to the content, they can also be optimised. To do this, use ALT tags that allow browsers to interpret them. Alternative text is useful because search engines do not see images as they do with users, so they are guided by their description to classify them in the search results.

  3. Use keywords well

    Keywords are the keywords that users use to search. Therefore, it is essential to create content with them in mind. The first thing you should do is to identify the keywords within your content, trying to find out what the user will search for to reach it. Once the identification process is complete, integrate the keywords in the titles (H1) and subtitles (H2, H3...) of your page.

    However, avoid abusive use of keywords. It is not necessary to include the keywords as many times as possible. In fact, search engines may consider it a trap and penalise you with a lower ranking. In addition, you may worsen the quality of your publications by using unnatural language.

  4. Use subheadings and numbered lists to highlight main points

    Subheadings and numbered lists help to highlight the main points. They are structural elements that organise content into sections and let search engines know what the content is about. Creating a hierarchy of content makes it easier for the user to navigate, so your subheadings should define a structure. Use H1 tags for the title and H2 or smaller tags for the subheadings, playing with their sizes in a consistent way. Also, try tointegrate your keywords into these headings.

  5. Improve the user experience

    When thinking about how to manage your website, you should always keep the user in mind. If those who come to your site have a good experience, spend time on it, interact with your content and even repeat, search engines will rank you higher in search results.

    One concrete step to improve the experience of interested users is to optimise the speed of your website. Visits to your pages will increase the faster the speed at which the user accesses them.

    Sites that optimise their loading speed avoid losing consumers. No matter how much your content, service or product matches their interests, a bad experience on your website can cause them to leave your page and miss the opportunity to learn about what you offer. For proper optimisation of your website, check loading times with tools such as PageSpeed Insights.

    If the user is satisfied with their experience on your website and your content provides value, they are likely to share your page. This way, you increase your popularity organically. When something is interesting and receives attention from users, browsers take it into account when positioning it.

Onceyou follow these steps, it is important that you measure and analyse the positioning of your website constantly. This way, you will know if you are moving in the right direction with your strategy and you will be able to identify which parts of it work for your website. For this, there are SEO analysis tools, some of them free of charge.

Take advantage of these tips to start improving your SEO and become an SEO expert.

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