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you have the idea and you don't know how to develop an App? Follow these steps

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It has been a few years since mobile applications became a revolutionary phenomenon. We go back to the 90s, when the first mobile apps were born. They had little to do with today's apps and their main functions were to serve as a ringtone editor, address book, etc. They were very basic applications, but they covered important functions for people. The apps followed their path, they evolved, and in 1994 they began to be developed in the form of games, such as the legendary Snake. That digital snake left the mark of the origin of mobile applications in our lives.

Today we not only want to take a brief look at mobile apps, but also tell you what steps you should take if you are thinking of developing an app for your web company. Are you ready to join us on this journey? Let's get started.

Web app as a solution to information chaos

At some point, some companies feel the need to create an internal web application. Imagine that this is your case and that until now you manage all the company's accounting in an Excel document. As it is a local site, created and used as part of the business process instance, not all users can access at the same time, which affects the agility of the business and waste more time. They step on each other, data is lost and the information becomes a real chaos.

So we ask ourselves the following question: What can you do to solve this problem?

In principle, accounting is not just any old thing, as it is a significant and essential process to know the financial status of the organisation, to be aware of the economic-financial situation and to manage it correctly. Therefore, it is important to maintain order and control of the data. Without these standards, the control of the company is lost.

The solution to this problem can come from the hand of a web application that is able to transfer all this data. The problems of access, order and control of the accounting disappear.

4 previous steps to create a web application

Before launching into the development of our application, we must be very clear about the path to follow:

  1. Ifyou are thinking about an initiative, you are on the right track. Your company is the place from which the initial idea must be born, from which the whole process will be developed.
  2. when are you going to start developing it? It is not difficult to know when you need to take the step towards the solution. You may have already detected a problem, or you may have gone to a consultancy to find out what it is. In any case, if you already have the idea, you can find the perfect balance with a tailor-made solution.
  3. When a professional decides to develop an app, he/she needs to know themarket, think about who the direct competition is and analyse it. In this case, it is an internal web app, so the ideal would be to analyse how it is going to impact on the company's tasks, who is going to have access to the system, etc.
  4. who is going to use the application? It is very likely that in this case it will be the sales department that will be directly responsible for managing the system, but you need to be clear about this from the beginning in order to know how to design an appropriate sketch for your needs, define the interface, explain the idea, etc.

Now that you know the steps to keep in mind before launching into the development of your application, let's see what you have to do now.

Phases that the application goes through

BRIEFING: Meetings with the client begin to find out what they expect from the application and understand the keys to the project, from the objective and the available budget, to the target audience and the devices. All these efforts must come together to achieve good results.

PLANNING: There is no project without planning, all the bases of the work must be established and the team must meet to know which path to follow, how it is going to be carried out, contribute ideas focused on the final objective, etc.

DESIGN: When the client or the company tests the final design, it is the ideal moment to start creating the multimedia elements, carry out usability tests and everything necessary to have the application ready (graphics, prototypes, etc.).

DEVELOPMENT: Now, it is time to implement all the necessary functionalities for the project to work, so we are going to think about the performance of the page, databases, security, compliance with web accessibility standards, etc.

LAUNCHING: This is the most awaited moment, the definitive publication of the project on the company's server. You must learn to use the software, and the team in charge of developing the app is responsible for following its operation with web analytics capable of showing conversion, purchases, etc.

MAINTENANCE: Updates and continuous improvements are part of the process so that the application can adapt to the needs of the moment, so it must have technical support capable of solving any problem.

Thanks to this mobile application development process, many companies are solving a large part of their organisational problems and improving their experience. Are you ready to start your project? Tell us about it without obligation.

Proceso de desarrollo de una aplicación

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