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WordPress as part of marketing strategies

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Behind the growth of companies there is always a measured and studied strategy. Success stories appear on the market with increasing progression. The market is full of professionals willing to increase their sales, improve their relationship with their clients and grow, but only the bravest are capable of doing so.

It' s probably no surprise to learn that today's strategies are no longer yesterday's. Posts or articles have become more important than ever, and blogs have become the perfect place for them to manifest themselves, which is why content management platforms or CMSs such as WordPress have become an additional companion for brands.

We want to tell you about it.

The role of WordPress in Inbound Marketing

which content management system should I choose? This is the first question that usually comes to mind when we are about to take the leap into the world of content marketing. Platforms like WordPress have become the perfect place to create and publish posts for brands.

As you may already know, content marketing is the mainstay of any Inbound strategy, so content management systems and blogs are more important than you can imagine. WordPress is the tool of choice for building blogs and websites in most cases.

The reasons lie in its continuous growth, its easy usability and the amount of additional functionalities it presents, among other things. Thanks to this type of tool, companies manage to create their own blogs, generate content focused on keyword research and position themselves in SEO.

As you can see, it is a whole series of advantages that are linked to each other, and blogs can be the differentiating spirit of your brand.

don't have one yet?

Your possibilities

In general, these platforms are not only used to create blogs but also corporate websites, so that companies find in their use a world of possibilities that go beyond content (e.g. images, audios, videos, infographics, etc.). Companies no longer have an excuse to join the Inbound methodology.

To get an idea of the level of importance that blogging is reaching in marketing strategies, we have taken a look at studies by the company Brandwatch, according to which "blogs are becoming more and more relevant. It is estimated that there are around 409 million people who read the almost 24 million pages that exist in WordPress".

On the internet, every click, every visit counts.

Post creation: the heart and soul of your strategy

Since we started writing this post, we have been giving several hints on the importance of creating content. In the midst of the blogging fervour, we could not say goodbye without first pausing on this ingredient.

When we talk about content marketing we enter a universe of posts, eBooks, guides, and a long list of possibilities that become the king of attraction. We want to convey the real importance of content marketing for brands, in general, and for Inbound Marketing, in particular. In its creation it is essential to know the profile of our potential customer, also called buyer persona, and know what the rules of the game are.

Quality, language, objectives, length, subject matter, empathy, keywords, approach, documentation, images, stories, form, medium, tone, audience and inspiration have all come into play.

¡Mejora ahora con una estrategia de Inbound Marketing a tu medida!

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