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why should my company have an audiovisual brand?

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Because it identifies you. It recognises you. It differentiates you. Having an audiovisual brand is more than just video. Taking into account the changes that digital transformation is bringing to companies, and that brands must adapt to them to get the most out of them, there are many resources to achieve this. And one of them is corporate audiovisual material.

give yourself the chance to be audiovisual!

Audiovisual branding... for what?

It is the audiovisual universe that constitutes and surrounds your brand. It is the name, sign, symbol, design and its combination in video. It seeks to identify the brand and differentiate it from its competition. With it..

  • It attracts customers and builds customer loyalty.
  • It strengthens your intangible values: credibility, value and uniqueness.

Video marketing has a great capacity to transmit values and connect with the user. As an audiovisual tool it is capable of increasing internet traffic (90% is already online video), it increases the number of consumers (the latest forecasts show a great impact), it ranks in Google (it takes audiovisual content into account), it has conversion power (9 out of 10 consumers stop to watch it) and it is memorable (human beings retain half of what they hear and see).

The relationship between companies and consumers is changing. It is more than ever driven by information and communication technologies (ICT). People are used to managing and processing large amounts of data in a few seconds - that's what the internet is all about.

Sight and hearing are the senses that allow us to absorb data and retain it in our minds, which is why it is increasingly important for companies - regardless of their size - to develop audiovisual material that goes straight to the heart and brain of the user.

what do you want to communicate? Vision, mission, objectives, products, services... Better in corporate video.

6 recommendations for your audiovisual content marketing

Every user has come across a video on their timeline on any social network. And even better, they watch it and enjoy it. It is increasingly popular among brands and very beneficial for their positioning. Creating video will not only allow you to build your audiovisual brand, but also to boost it and attract new audiences.

take note of these recommendations:

  • Play with storytelling.

There is nothing more engaging than telling an interesting story. It will hook your audience from minute 1. It is very effective when it comes to content marketing because it arouses feelings, connects, builds trust, boosts memory, fosters creativity and showcases emotion.

Marketing is no longer about the things you sell, it's about the stories you tell - Seth Godin.

  • Share easily.

You are very wrong if you think that just by posting a video on your YouTube, Facebook or Instagram channel you have everything done. Wrong. There are many ways to give punch to your audiovisual piece. The best thing to do is to analyse what topics are trending, what interests the user and give it to them in audiovisual format. They will be in charge of pressing the share button when the content leaves them speechless.

  • Inform.

Don't just talk for the sake of talking, do it to add up. Share relevant content that adds value to the user, with quotes, sources, contrasted information and answering all their doubts about the product, service or topic you are talking about. You don't want your data to be a simple hypothesis, do you?

  • Invite your audience.

Make them feel part of your videos, involve them to participate. If you are a YouTube guru, you will have seen that Q&A's are very fashionable - they are nothing more than questions and answers. This type of content is very effective and allows you to gain new followers.

  • Be persistent, don't despair.

It's almost certain that the first video you publish won't get the results you expected. Neither the views nor the impact. And it's normal, you're just starting out. But staying there is key to progressing, growing and achieving good results in your video marketing strategy. Start by planning your calendar (filming and publication day) and brainstorming ideas for your next pieces. Be creative.

  • Don't forget about SEO.

Users are no longer just looking for content to read, but also for videos that explain how to solve something. So, you'd better do a keyword study for your channel, unless you don't want to improve your search engine ranking. Use keywords in the title, description and tags. And, above all, get to the point!

be authentic! He who does things well and is confident in his steps, succeeds.

Audiovisual branding in a nutshell

We hope this article has answered your doubts about audiovisual branding, because you need it. When the competition is strong and strong, the difference is created in the world of branding and video, the perfect duo to make your brand grow. There, creating unique and differentiating audiovisual pieces will make you a brand impossible to forget.

Using corporate audiovisual content to promote your products, services or brand is part of your strategy. Take advantage of it now that video is at its peak, because every company that has it among its digital marketing plans will improve its sales and performance.

And if that wasn't enough, video marketing has taken something good out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the context generates a lot of uncertainty, companies have started to plan their marketing strategy thinking about the future, but with video, the ideal tool for communicating with users and the perfect format for generating impact.

Engage, communicate, position and capture attention. Your audiovisual superbrand is on its way!

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