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what is Clubhouse?

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Social platforms have been trending for a while now, and the one that caught the attention of many because of the new theme it offered was Clubhouse. Today we tell you how this social network works, its opportunities and how it can help your business. You can't miss it!

how does Clubhouse work?

Clubhouse is a social network that is somewhere between a radio format and a voice chat. It works in a simple way: you join the conversations that users are having in real time, participating directly in them or you can be alone as an audience. If you are an audience, you can "raise your hand" and the moderators of the conversation will give you the floor so that you can participate. In other words, within the application you can be a moderator, speaker or audience or listener. In the latter mode you can only listen, as if it were a podcast, but also interact with your voice if the moderator allows it and you want to. Video, text or images do not enter into this app.

Clubhouse organises content into rooms and clubs. Rooms are places where a conversation takes place. Rooms can be scheduled with a date and time and the application will notify users of this event in case they want to join. There are three types of rooms, which vary according to their privacy:

  • Private room: access is by invitation only.
  • Social room: access is limited to people you follow.
  • Public room: open to any user who wants to participate.

Clubs group users according to their tastes and interests, and within each club you can create rooms. Clubs are groups of users with common themes, and if the club administrator creates a room you will be notified if you want to join the conversation.

¿Qué es Clubhouse?

how can the Clubhouse app help your business?

Although at first glance it may not seem like a very useful social network for your business, because of its podcast-style format, like the rest, if used well and with imagination you can get a lot out of it. You can create a community with profiles and professional interests similar to those of your brand, so linking your business strategy with Clubhouse can be a good idea. Just as your digital marketing plan includes a strategy on social networks, such as Instagram or TikTok, add this new one.

Trying new formats will not lead you to failure, remember that testing is important to improve your business. Likewise, the use of clubs can help your company to build a good community of followers with interest in what you do, similar to what happens with Facebook pages. Within this club you can create rooms where you can spread content, present your products or services and even sell directly.

ClubHouse opportunities

  • Exclusivity: Without a doubt, one of the keys to the success of this app is that it has been able to play with the feeling of scarcity. As it was initially a network that could only be accessed by invitation and was not accessible to everyone, people wanted to join. In turn, as each member can give a certain number of invitations, a viral phenomenon is generated.

  • The presence of celebrities and influencers. Another reason why this network has been so popular has been the presence of celebrities among its first users, such as Tesla founder Elon Musk. This phenomenon has also reached Spain, where a specific community has already been created ( and several important people from culture and entertainment have started to use ClubHouse, such as Luis Piedrahíta or the creators of El Mundo Today.


  • Ephemeral content: ClubHouse replicates the secret of the success of the Stories format in its early days: ephemeral content. As it is not possible to record the conversations that take place in ClubHouse, they cannot be shared on other networks. If you are not there at the right time, you lose the opportunity to know what is happening.

  • Audio, a world to be explored. Audio is not as exploited as video, text or images, but it has a lot of potential as it allows us to consume content while we walk, commute to work or do other daily tasks. The rise of podcasts shows that they are very popular, but until now there has not been a social network dedicated exclusively to audio.

in conclusion, it is a good time to start experimenting with ClubHouse, as thousands of people have already signed up and are on the app. But as always in social media, the key to making your ClubHouse presence work is to create valuable content and information and find your niche audience. Finally, it is also important to link your ClubHouse presence to other social networks. Users who already follow you on Twitter and Facebook will receive alerts of your ClubHouse activity, making it easier to start making yourself known.

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