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TikTok latest trend for marketing campaigns

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TikTok has become the go-to app for connecting with current and future consumers, which is why many companies are using this social network to create great marketing and advertising campaigns. Today we're talking about this and much more. Stay tuned!

TikTok última tendencia para campañas de marketing

what are the best ways to advertise on TikTok?

  • Brand Takeover: This allows you to appear as a brand on the home screen every time a user logs in to the application. This means that, at any time of the day, the content you display can be seen by millions of people. These takeover ads can be still images, GIFs and videos with embedded links to landing pages.
  • Topview: This consists of promoting from videos in preferred formats across the platform. The aim is to attract the full attention of users when they log in.
  • In-feed video: Advertising appears in the feed as if it were part of an ordinary TikTok user. You can include links that redirect users to the website of your products or services. These videos should last between 9-15 seconds and have automatic playback and music included.
  • Hashtags Challenge: This modality gives a lot of visibility quickly, as challenges are announced that become viral through hashtags, thus promoting brand content generated by the users themselves because they have accepted the challenge and want to show their followers that they have managed to do it correctly.
  • Branded Lenses: Branded Lenses is defined as the creation of videos from filters to boost the visibility and engagement of the business, offering a high level of user participation and boosting the desired messages.
  • Collection Ads are made up of product cards and in-feed video ads. Users can scroll through the different elements by swiping or tapping on one of them to open a gallery page. Unlike standard in-feed formats, Collection Ads require users to leave TikTok and visit your brand's shop.

TikTok última tendencia para campañas de marketing

what are the main advantages of promoting content on TikTok?

  1. The funny videos have an instant appeal and work very well.
  2. The promotion requires minimal investment and reaches a large number of users worldwide for very low costs.
  3. Brand positioning and recognition becomes faster.
  4. The number of visits, comments and "likes" exceeds those of any other network.
  5. Access to new markets: TikTok's global reach is constantly growing and it is already present in more than 140 countries, so it is perfect for brands looking to reach the international market.
  6. Less saturation: Compared to other platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, ads on TikTok are relatively new, so competition for advertising space is much lower and there are fewer brands present, making it easier to place ads and having a greater impact on users.
  7. Integration between content and advertising: One of the great successes of the TikTok social network has been to integrate ads in a way that does not generate rejection among users, which facilitates integration and conversion. Of course, this is not only the platform's merit: brands also have to generate creative that fits with the type of content on TikTok and that provides value to users.
  8. Constant development: TikTok's advertising platform is constantly expanding, so ad formats are constantly being updated.

how is TikTok different from other social networks?

  • The biggest difference between TikTok and other social networks is that it relies entirely on artificial intelligence, even the filters, where for example on Instagram they are just a tool, working on assumptions before any concrete information about the user is transferred.
  • Another key point is the high engagement rate. According to users, one of the main advantages of using the platform is the number of views, comments and likes, which outperform other social networks such as Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook. It is therefore a positive user experience driven by artificial intelligence, which may change social networks as we know them now.
  • The potential for brands on TikTok, especially for digital marketing and communication teams, is based on user videos, influencer videos and challenges to increase engagement rates. Thanks to this, brands can gain benefits such as increasing brand awareness, generating traffic to the business website, improving search engine rankings, increasing conversion rates, improving brand loyalty, boosting engagement and gaining insights for marketing.

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