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what is a good engagement rate for my social networks?

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The engagement rate, in a nutshell, is a metric that measures the percentage of user interaction with your posts. The exact way to calculate it and the figures you can expect vary for each social network, so let's see what is a good engagement rate on the different networks out there and some tips to improve yours. Stay tuned!

what is a good engagement rate on the different social networks?

  • Facebook: To calculate the engagement rate on Facebook you should add up the number of reactions, comments and shares over the last 7 days, divide it by the total number of followers of the page and multiply it by 100.

  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn's engagement rate can be calculated by dividing the interactions obtained by a post by the total number of followers, by the number of users reached or by the number of impressions of a post. In any of the three cases, LinkedIn's target engagement rate would be around 2%. The figure is similar to Facebook, but keep in mind that we are calculating per post and not per time period.

  • TikTok: TikTok has become one of the most popular networks in recent years, and perhaps the secret to this is TikTok's high engagement rate.

  • Instagram: Social media experts agree that a good engagement rate on Instagram would be between 1% and 5%, depending on functions such as the sector in which the brand works, the size of its audience or the type of content it publishes.

¿Cuál es un buen engagement rate para mis redes sociales?

10 tips to improve your engagement rate on social networks

  1. Know your followers. It is difficult to create quality content if you don't know who you are creating it for. The characteristics of your followers will help you define the type of content you should publish, the style of your brand and even the days and times of publication.

  2. Share your best images. In general, images are one of the resources that most help to attract the attention of followers, especially in the most visual networks, such as Instagram. Image galleries can also help you tell your story and attract interactions.

  3. Create video content - some networks rely more on video than others (e.g. TikTok would be at one extreme and LinkedIn or Twitter at the other), but on all of them it is a very useful resource for increasing engagement. In particular, live video is a format that has gained popularity over the last few years.

  4. Be authentic - these days, it's better to be honest and human on social media than to do everything perfectly. Ephemeral content, such as Instagram Stories, has helped both users and brands to dare to show their natural side.

  5. Use user-generated content. Social media is for talking to your audience, not monologues, and a great way to give them a voice and show that you're there for them is by sharing their content. So if someone has tagged your brand, return the favour by sharing their post or publication.

    ¿Cuál es un buen engagement rate para mis redes sociales?

  6. Answer users' questions. After going to all the trouble to get your users to comment, don't leave them unanswered. Keep the conversation alive by responding to their comments and above all, don't leave unanswered any questions about your brand.

  7. Vary your content. Posting pictures of your products day after day can make your audience get tired and leave in search of more stimulating content. Try to post in different formats and encourage interactions with contests, polls, quizzes or simply asking your followers questions.

  8. Post regularly and at strategic times. Improving your reach and engagement rate on social media takes time and consistency. Schedule your posts regularly and try to focus on days and times when there are more users online to maximise the likelihood of engagement.

  9. Add calls to action: Do you want your followers to respond to your posts? Say it! Something as simple as "Tell us your favourite" can trigger a lot of comments. You can also encourage users to click "like" or share your content, but be careful not to spam.

  10. Experiment and measure the results. In the end, although many of the recommendations are universal, each brand's situation is unique, so to know what works best, you will have to measure and analyse the engagement rate of each post and test different types of content and posting times. You will be surprised by the results!

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