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Online marketing is growing every day and therefore has to reinvent itself and create new techniques and tools to optimise marketing strategies quickly and easily. In this case we are specifically optimising inbound marketing, and we do so by means of the so-called CRO or Conversion Rate Optimisation.
what is CRO?
To begin with, CRO stands for "Conversion Rate Optimization" and it is a process of optimisation of websites carried out by companies so that users can perform the actions they are most interested in without any problems.
This process is carried out with the aim of increasing the percentage of visitors to our website as much as possible. No, the aim is not specifically to get customers. For companies that are looking for customers, yes, but not all of them are looking for the same aim, they are always looking for a specific action, such as getting the user to subscribe to the newsletter. To achieve this, it is very important to know how users move within your page, in order to find out what they do and what problems they encounter that prevent them from completing the process within the website.
We talk a lot about conversion rate, but first....
what is a conversion?
According to the RAE this would be the exact definition: change from one thing to another and change of ideas, opinions and beliefs. Within digital marketing, conversion consists of website visitors performing certain actions that convert them into customers or active users. If our company sells products and what we want to achieve is that the user makes a purchase, we are facing a macro conversion, from user to customer. On the other hand there are micro conversions that are smaller and usually occur before a macro conversion, an example would be subscribing to a newsletter or filling out a form.
Knowing what conversion is...
what is conversion rate?
This is one of the most important factors within a website, this rate is mathematical and we could define it as the number of times a user completes a goal divided by the traffic of the website itself. Optimising this conversion rate requires time and resources, tests must be carried out constantly in order to find out what works and what does not. There are a series of elements that can help to increase this conversion rate:
- Homepage
The home page of our website is the most important, not only because it should create a good impression on our users when they first arrive, but also to retain them and get them to perform the expected actions. - Landing pages
These are precisely designed so that the user performs that specific action that the company wants them to perform on its website. - CTAs
Although it may not seem like it, CTA buttons within a blog article or on a different page, can greatly improve the conversion rate because users find them in a "moment of weakness" in which they are looking for something specific and are receptive to the purchase, it is at that moment that if you click on the CTA, it is very likely that they will end up performing the action you expect.
- Pop-Ups
Pop-ups offer a high conversion rate, as they are designed exactly to catch the user's attention, if this is accompanied by a good digital marketing strategy, what you end up getting is the conversion of a lead to a customer.
The 7 phases of Conversion Rate Optimisation
This process is not simply based on optimising the website and waiting for passive users to become active, to get there you have to go through different phases, which we explain below:
- Website analysis
The most important step in our process is to increase the conversion rate, and to achieve this we must analyse our website and find out what aspects can be improved, we will know this depending on the actions performed by our users, analysing their behaviour we can understand what is wrong with our website, if for example more than half of them disappear from the page before it even loads, we can easily find out that our error has to do with the loading time of the website. - Hypothesis
As we have already seen in the previous point, once we have analysed the behaviour of the users on the website, we must draw conclusions as to why this behaviour is occurring, so after the exhaustive analysis of our website, we must put forward all the hypotheses of the different behaviours of our users. - Objectives
Within any marketing strategy or any technique or tool that serves to optimise it, there must be objectives, that is to say, we must know where we want to get to, in order to solve the problems that arise after the analysis. We already have the hypotheses about what is failing or what can be improved within our site, and with these hypotheses we can set the objectives that we want to reach once we have found solutions to the problems analysed. - Test
Our hypotheses may not be completely correct, so we need to carry out tests to be able to verify them. This way we will be able to verify if our hypotheses are correct or if they have nothing to do with the real problem. - Proposing solutions
Once we have the results of the tests, we move on to the phase of implementing provisional solutions, which may or may not work, something that we will check in the next point. - Analysis of results
After implementing the provisional solutions according to the test results, the next step is to check if these solutions are working, for this we need to analyse the results, see if they are fulfilling what is required, and above all, if we are improving the conversion rate. For this step we must use the most appropriate indicators. - Implementation of solutions
Once we have analysed the results, we will know which solutions we can definitively implement and which ones we were not getting the results we expected, so we can implement the improvement plan to improve the conversion rate as much as possible.
We already know what Conversion Rate Optimization is, with this post we already know the whole process that is carried out, what is conversion, conversion rate and how to optimize it. Knowing all this, your website will never have a bad conversion again. Get started to optimize the conversion of your website!