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What is 360⁰ video and what is it for?

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You hear about them everywhere. It seems that something is changing. You've noticed it too, haven't you?

You sense that it is something important, that you should count on it in your strategy, but you still have some doubts about how it works. You don't really know where to start either. But don't worry. From today, 360⁰ video can stop being an enigma. That is precisely our goal with this post.

Technological and audiovisual innovation is growing at a great speed. We believe it is important to witness this growth and to know what one of the trends that will be the biggest in 2019 consists of. It has been christened 360⁰ video.

what is 360⁰ video?

The most generalised and complete definition speaks of "a video recorded usually with a special support, with multiple cameras, or using a camera that contains several lenses in itself".

In other words, it is a format closely related to virtual reality, as it allows a spherical view to be obtained. So far, only themost specialised and innovative equipment has been able to include these special cameras to offer this service to brands. Its technical side also requires specific knowledge on the part of the professionals who put it into practice.

what is it for?

Knowing the definition of this trend is all well and good, but what really matters is to know how it works, what it can help you with and how to put it into practice. Let's find out!

More innovation does not always mean better results, which is why it is important to know the best time to put each service, technique or trend into practice. In the case of 360⁰ video, consulting with specialised professionals may be the first necessary step. It is logical that questions like: How can I use this technique for my brand? How should I present my products and services with this tool? What other things can I use it for? How can I get the most out of it? Does it fit with my objectives? And with my company's philosophy?

In reality, this technique is used for very different things. In the business scenario, brands use them as part of their marketing strategy. 360⁰ video covers the entire angular spectrum, beyond the traditional corporate video, allowing users to see a much more complete image. They use them, for example, to show customers thecharacteristics of a product or service, to show the company's facilities, to show an event that has been attended, etc.

As a result, brands are gaining numerous advantages.

  • They improve the user experience.
  • Consumers relate the brand to thelatest trends.
  • Their relationship with the customer becomes stronger and longer lasting.
  • They project a greater awareness and impact on users.
  • It allows you to show products in a much closer way.
  • It increases confidence in the potential customer.

do you want to know how to incorporate 360⁰ video in your marketing strategy? Ask us.

what is your biggest challenge?

Companies that want to implement this initiative on their own face a big challenge: thetechnical side. As we mentioned in previous lines, in this sense, the smartest decision is to turn to expert teams in the use of this tool. In addition to having extensive experience and knowing the best alternatives for your industry, you can save time and achieve incredible results.

Although it may seem relatively new, the truth is that large companies such as the BBC have already produced programmes of this type, such as the BBC Click 360 broadcast in 2016 or the 360 report that the newspaper El País did on Fukushima. They were already talking about a new form of content that we would be seeing more and more of. They were certainly not wrong.

Maybe you don't need a lucky break, maybe you need to take the plunge.

Occam - contacto

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