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URL structure and how it improves SEO

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what is a URL?

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator ) is a web address that is used to access a resource on the Internet. URLs are made up of different parts, each of which plays an important role in identifying and locating the resource in question.

The structure of a typical URL is divided into four parts:

  • The scheme: this is the first part of the URL and indicates the protocol that will be used to access the resource, e.g. "http" for hypertext protocol, "https" for secure hypertext protocol or "ftp" for file transfer protocol.
  • The domain name: this is the second part of the URL and consists of the name of the server and the domain to which it belongs, e.g."" or "".
  • The directory: is optional and is used to indicate where the resource is located on the server, e.g. "resources/images/photo.jpg".
  • The file name: is the name of the resource to be accessed, e.g. "index.html" or "contact.php".

Some examples of complete URLs would be:

It is important to note that the structure of URLs may vary slightly depending on the protocol and file system used on the server.

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how does this affect my SEO?

It is essential to have an effective URL to improve SEO ranking. This element cannot go unnoticed. Keep in mind that URL structure can affect a site's search engine ranking. Search engines use the URL to understand the content of a page and to determine its relevance to a particular search. A clear and descriptive URL can help Google understand the content of the page and improve its ranking in search results.

Some best practices for structuring effective URLs:

  • Include your main keyword: It is important to include the main keyword in the URL to help search engines understand the content of the page and improve its ranking in search results.

  • Use hyphens to separate words: It is better to use hyphens to separate words rather than spaces or underscores. This makes the URL more readable and easier for users to remember and also easier for search engines and other systems to process. Most CMS (content management systems) automatically include hyphens between words when creating URLs, but if your CMS does not, it is important to add hyphens manually before publishing the page. This way, you can ensure that the URL is clear and readable and avoid redirection problems or errors.

  • Avoid using spaces: Spaces translate into the "percent space" character (%20) in the URL, which can make the URL longer and less readable. In addition, some browsers and servers may have trouble correctly handling URLs containing spaces, which can lead to errors or redirection problems.

  • Keep URLs short and simple: Long and complicated URLs are difficult to remember and may be unattractive to users. Try to keep URLs as short and simple as possible.

  • Describe the content of the page: It is important that the URL accurately describes the content of the page. This will help users understand what the page is about before they click on the link and will also be useful for search engines.

  • Make sure they are descriptive: Descriptive URLs are easier for users to understand and remember and are also easier for search engines to crawl. Try to avoid using generic or non-descriptive URLs.

In general, it is important to keep in mind that URLs are an important part of the user experience and can have an impact on a site's search engine ranking. Therefore, it is important to spend time and effort on creating practical and attractive URLs.

In addition, well-structured URLs can also be more visual for users and can increase the likelihood that they will click on the link. Therefore, it is important to spend time and effort on creating effective and attractive URLs. We can avoid strange symbols or unusual characters, as these are not very appealing.

URL structure is only one of many factors that search engines take into account when determining a site's ranking. Other important factors include content quality, user experience, site authority and the presence of external links. It is therefore important to take a balanced and comprehensive approach to improving a site's SEO ranking.

It is therefore important to take a balanced and comprehensive approach to improving a site's SEO ranking, including optimising URL structure, content quality, user experience, site authority and the presence of external links.

We must remember that the URL structure must be clear and descriptive to both search engines and users, so that they can understand the content of the page and easily remember the URL. Therefore, it is essential to follow best practices for structuring effective and suggestive URLs.

The URL of a website can suggest many things about the site and the content it offers. These may include the purpose, type of content, geographic location, or even the level of authority. A clear, descriptive URL can help users understand the purpose of the site and determine if it is relevant to their needs. It can give information about the type of content found on the site. Some URLs include the geographic location of the site or the content it offers. A URL that includes the name of a well-known company or organisation can indicate that the site has a certain level of authority and credibility.

Although you may think this is a minor element of your digital marketing strategy, it is a very important part of the technical puzzle that recreates and supports our SEO strategy. Taking care of these small details allows us to keep feeding the algorithm so that it rewards us with a better position.

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