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Flywheel to attract customers, goodbye to the funnel?

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are you one of those who insist on reaching an end in the buying process of your customers? Think about it. If what you want is to have a long experience with them, what is the point of insisting on an end? Thinking that the moment when the purchase is made is the end of your relationship is a big mistake. What you want is that they repeat their experience with you again and again, that they themselves are the ones who recommend you to other companies, that they become your brand ambassadors, and therefore, the funnel or conversion funnel is becoming what HubSpot calls a flywheel.

Let's stop with the full stop and put a full stop.

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conversion funnel or flywheel? How to get your customers to come back to you

Despite the years of history and efficiency of the conversion funnel, times are changing. And so are consumer habits. The flywheel is a disruptive element and brings with it a new concept for your company's marketing and sales approach. Moreover, it pays a lot of attention to that forgotten part that we put little effort into: loyalty. The flywheel reminds us of the importance of customer-based cycles so that they can become a promoter of your brand.

So, if you are wondering what you can do to keep your customers coming back to you, flywheel has the answer. The traditional funnel model does not take into account factors such as customer reviews on your networks (social media listenting), finding mentions of the company, customer re-engagement, etc., but is linear. The flywheel model, however, is a wheel that turns and allows you to boost attraction in the delight stage. So try to flow around the customer and value the relationship with them, not just the business.

Design easy and transparent processes and you will see how everything starts to improve.

Flywheel changes the rules of marketing

Here's what has changed - or is changing - since the transformation of the conversion funnel:

  • The conversion funnel is no longer what it used to be. It is undergoing a transformation, although it is still relevant to companies' strategies. It is going from being considered an end point to a continuous cycle. We no longer care only that the customer makes a purchase, but that they do it again and again. That they keep turning, that they repeat the experience and share it with those who are in the same situation.
  • The flywheel arises as a consequence of the customer's loss of confidence in companies and their traditional marketing actions. They are starting to smell'. In addition, word of mouth is becoming increasingly important in the purchase decision. You know, that customers are commenting among themselves and are attracting new ones to share the process.
  • The sales funnel is no longer a vertical concept, but a wheel in which each part or element depends on the previous one. It is based on feedback. Invest in improving the customer experience. What's the point of having the best product if you don't pay attention to the experience?
  • Now is the time to avoid the friction of 'full service' services that force the user to buy a complete package, limited and standardised schedules, and 'buy first' systems. Automating processes and interacting with employees are two simple ways to reduce this friction to optimise costs and shorten timescales.
  • The best marketing advice is no longer to make your product 20 times better than your competitor's, but to make your customers' experience with your brand 20times better.

The flywheel is now a key element in your company's marketing. If you have any doubts, just give us a call and we'll help you make everything run smoothly.

3 things you can do to improve flywheel performance

want to know how to improve the performance of your flywheel? What are you going to do to reduce friction? How are you adapting your conversion funnel? Here are three little tips:

  1. BET ON EFFICIENCY. Technology can be an ideal resource in which to invest. Nowadays, digital transformation is here to stay in companies. Identify the tools that allow you to optimise your department's processes and implement them. Always be ahead of the game and you will give your customers a unique experience.
  2. AUTOMATE: With tools such as HubSpot's CRM or chatbots it is possible to automate tasks and processes that can save time and allow your team to focus on tasks that do not require mechanical processes. Can you imagine posting every day at different times on social networks? With automation it is possible to identify the best time and schedule actions accordingly.
  3. INTERACT: To improve relationships and obtain transversal professionals, communication is necessary. For a moment, get to know different points of view, both from your clients and from your employees and colleagues, in this way you will get a broader view of the field and you will have several options to choose the one that best suits your needs or why not combine them? Perhaps questions will arise that would never have crossed your mind.

So, if you want to grow and make your business more profitable, you need to focus on improving the customer experience. The conversion funnel falls short in terms of experience and word of mouth. As we have increasingly demanding and better informed customers, there is nothing that captures attention and motivates people to buy a product more than the voice of satisfied customers.

ready to power your wheel?


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