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Trend: Human-Centric Marketing

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The Human-Centric Marketing trend, as we have already developed in the blog article, is the approach that prioritises marketing strategies aimed at humans and not exclusively at customers.

Inbound marketing places humans at the centre of the marketing strategy, as a method for solving the needs of consumers, and places great importance on human connections, as this provides value and trust.


This marketing method starts at the beginning of the production wheel. It is about selling a service or product that serves people to solve a dilemma or fill a gap in unmet needs. An example would be the invention of the mop as a tool that makes cleaning easier.

To find a new need, it is mandatory for the marketing team to identify all possible data about their customers and buyer personas, to empathise with the audience they want to reach, to offer solutions that solve real problems, to design products that help them to live better, to make their lives easier.

The success of companies today is achieved because the products and services that are designed are focused on people's demand. Previously, marketing consisted of selling a product or service with a shoehorn, creating needs for consumers. Having changed the strategy, transparency is achieved by companies. Transparency is an indicator of honesty and truthfulness, which brings customers closer.

Demand becomes a conditioning factor for supply. The Human-Centric strategy goes one step further. If the Costumer-Centric current is based on solving the needs of consumers, the moment you place human beings as the main focus of your planning, you try to capture values that are in line with your precepts as a company and to capture people who can be fixed on these values.

We have already talked about the importance of promoting the personal brand. Human-centric marketing repeats the importance of creating a personal brand as a company. Companies have to identify themselves with certain ideas, so that potential clients are identified, not only with products, services and needs, but also with the message that a company defends. Appealing to emotions and sensations provides messages that reach clients indirectly. It is a way of improving your branding, as it improves the perception of your brand.


Human values are skills such as empathy, kindness, compassion or justice. Messages that contain this inner charge, outline the personal brand of your company. Through the loyalty of your customers, you will get these leads to be promoters of your company. As a company you must demonstrate solidity, humanity, credibility and authenticity, this reinforces your external image and makes you a reference for people.

The target of this marketing is focused on promoting ethical and social ideals, aimed at satisfying social and environmental needs, and to show the values of the company and seek people's trust. It is about caring about creating a positive impact on people and not only economic results can contribute to creating a better society.

Greenwashing and pinkwashing, two trends related to Human-Centric Marketing,should not be overstepped. However, going overboard in applying these values has a negative effect. Both terms are known as "greenwashing", in which some companies try to reach an audience from minority groups, without representing and defending these types of policies - as in the case of LGBT rights, the fight against cancer or environmental defence. In these cases, with the excuse of "creating a better society", these values are appropriated and can come across as hypocritical.



The most important thing, before starting with this marketing method, is to identify people's needs. Your goal is not to sell a product, but to create a solution to your potential customers' problems. It is essential to study your buyer personas. It is the data that will reveal people's demands.

Seek inspiration from customer needs. A product or service that effectively solves a dilemma will sell itself. With market research, you will find it easier to carry out this practice. Test your satisfaction questionnaires, let the customers themselves confide their concerns and provide you with suggestions. Monitor customer data to better understand their needs.


This is the time for brainstorming. As in every company, all the teams must agree to come up with an idea and design your service or product. All the necessary details must be worked out. In the business world, you cannot leave any gaps, everything must be thought out. Anticipating is often a way of getting it right. However, experimenting is part of the process.


Marketing is already part of the work of the marketing team. How to sell the product is the last phase of this process. Continue to accompany your customers in this part of the purchasing process. This model - as we have indicated above - is based on respect and the presumption of innocence. Therefore, when it comes to making your product or service known, you must continue to do so through channels that allow for greater humanisation.

Among these channels, social networks are the preferred ones by the audience. Why? A simple reason, they are close and accessible. Through social networks, it is possible to put a face to a brand or company. Affiliating with public figures, notorious or influencers that represent the same values you want to achieve is one of the best ways for the implementation to occur organically.

The key to the Human-Centric marketing process is that the strategy is perceived in a natural way by the audience. The excessive use of resources that incite social action can be perceived as a facelift to change an image or reinvent a personal brand. That is why it is crucial, before starting this strategy, to set clear objectives about what you want to achieve as a company. With a marked target and a fixed audience to reach, the fundamental thing is to show honesty. That your values are fully representative.

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