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Check if you are losing conversions

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do you think you are losing conversions in your Inbound Marketing strategy?

We encourage you to check if you are making any of the mistakes we are going to tell you about in this post. Our aim is to help you identify and solve them before you continue to lose conversions.

what do you do when you manage to convert a visitor into a sales opportunity? Do you think that this is the end of the process? Many companies neglect their leads, forgetting that this is where it all begins. You are aware of the effort it has cost you to attract them, so it is time to reach out to them.

Let's see where you're going wrong..

are you losing conversions?

Remember that "a conversion is any action carried out by a user on our website that generates benefits and value to our business". Companies start their Inbound Marketing strategies by establishing a list of specific, measurable, achievable, real and timely (SMART) objectives, among which is the attraction of customers.

As we have already told you on occasion, attraction is the soul that drives the Inbound methodology, the one responsible for converting visitors into leads or sales opportunities, potential buyers, and loyal customers to our brand. These are sufficient reasons to start investigating where your conversions are being lost.

let's get to it!

2 mistakes you may be making with your leads

Your leads are the result of an effective strategy, but to keep them in the cycle you need to give them the attention they need. What happens if you neglect your leads?

  • Not understanding what your potential customers' real needs are.

If there is a tremendously necessary action in the Inbound universe, that is research. Searching and analysing the reality of the market and your potential customers is fundamental to know how to dive into the pool. Therefore, it is essential to understand who your potential customer is, how they behave, what they need, what they are looking for, how you can help them, and in what way you can offer it to them. We are talking, therefore, about contextual marketing.

Imagine for a moment that you have an online glove shop. If you don't know what kind of glove your potential customer is looking for, don't sell them one at random. Surely not all of them fit their expectations. This means that we are going to have to go further with our analysis.

Understanding your potential customers is fundamental to know how to target them, and to achieve this you have several options: market research to identify the way they are looking for products or services, as well as knowledge of their needs or problems; observing forums or other platforms where they communicate their concerns; social listening can also be a good way to obtain information through other channels.

  • Not following up with your potential customers

Neglecting your potential customers is an action that manifests itself in a lack of contact with them, so they may lose interest in your brand. This is something that arises regardless of the size of business you have, but it is also important that, when you do pay attention to them, you do so without overdoing it.

The importance of lead nurturing

do you remember what lead nurturing is? This "automated, lead nurturing" technique is the process in which the mistakes we mentioned above often occur. You need to take care of it, otherwise you may lose prospects who are qualified to become customers of your brand.

have you identified a mistake and don't know how to solve it? At Occam Digital Agency we will be happy to help you.

If you want to get different results, start doing things differently.

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