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The best lead magnets according to your target

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A lead magnet is free content that you offer to your audience knowing that they will consider it to be valuable content. It is provided to them with the intention of exchanging it for their data, thus converting them into leads, which increases the chances of them making a purchase on your website.

what are the benefits of a lead magnet?

  1. more potential customers and more contact databases. Thanks to the lead magnet you will be able to obtain a large amount of information from your potential customers. Furthermore, by having a very complete database you will be able to optimise your strategy to the maximum and create new ones that will benefit you and generate a large volume of sales .
  2. build your readers' loyalty: If you take good care of the content you generate, your readers will realise the important value you bring them and will want to continue consuming it much more in the future .
  3. they will find you more easily. If a user is looking for something related to your product, thanks to the lead magnet, they will find your page more easily through the different search engines that exist. So when you create content, you cannot forget to use useful and effective SEOpositioning techniques .
  4. you quickly identify in which stage of the buyer's journey the user is in. Generally, you do not create a single piece of content, so depending on the lead magnet you can identify in which stage the user is in. If he downloads your product catalogue, it is because he has already done the research work and is thinking about buying from you. If you know in which exact point he is, you can draw a strategy that will help him to solve his problem.

Los mejores lead magnet según tu objetivo

which magnet leads are the best?

  • Downloadable content: One of the clearest and most useful examples of a lead magnet is to offer your readers extra content within the post that they can download in exchange for giving us their information, whether it is their email or their mobile phone .
  • Content in PopUps: It is a very intrusive method, but it is very effective to obtain the data that we need so much in our strategies.
  • Free courses: If you prepare a course on a subject related to your brand, your potential clients will surely want to take it, and if you take advantage of it and tell them that in exchange they have to subscribe to your newsletter, they will do it, as a course is a high quality lead magnet .
  • Widget in your blog: This is one of the most powerful ways of attracting leads. It consists of including different options or learning routes in the blog that the user will want to access. And in order to access them, they will have to provide their details, name and email address.
  • Discounts for booking or advance purchase. Another type of lead magnet for ecommerce that is normally used are discounts for advance purchase. Above all, they tend to be used on certain dates when there are general offers, such as Blackfriday or the January or July sales.
  • Webinar: A webinar is another very effective lead magnet in your lead capture strategy. It is recommended that its duration does not exceed one hour and the last 5-10 minutes are used to launch an irresistible offer (although the latter is optional).
  • Free shipping: Free shipping is another resource used quite frequently by eCommerce. It is usually offered when there is a minimum amount of purchases so that it can be profitable for the business. It is also something that is valued positively by practically all users.
  • Sweepstakes and contests: Sweepstakes and contests are a good type of lead magnet that work great if combined, for example, with advertising on Instagram.
  • Editable templates. These are editable resources that users use to apply in their business in a personalised way. They are a lead that attracts users a lot because it saves them time, as they do not have to create one from scratch and therefore have a lot of value for them. In marketing, some examples of templates that we find are: calendar for the Community Manager and editorial calendar for a blog.

Los mejores lead magnet según tu objetivo

what mistakes should you avoid when creating or using a lead magnet?

Finally, after knowing the best lead magnets, we are going to leave you with a small list of tips with the most common mistakes you should avoid when creating or using your lead magnet.

  • Not targeting your ideal customer: You must be very clear about who your buyer persona is and create content that matches them.
  • Dealing with very general topics. Having defined your ideal client, create specific content that can help them and don't go off the deep end.
  • Spelling mistakes: If you make mistakes in writing, whether they are spelling or writing mistakes, you will lose all credibility and your potential customers will not trust you to leave any of their data on your website .

In conclusion, a lead magnet is a content that will only bring benefits to your company if you use it well, so get on with it!

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