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Points to bear in mind for a good briefing

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Within the digital marketing, communication and advertising agencies sector, the term briefing is the order of the day, and no wonder, as it is a key element for any marketing action, whether it is digital or not.

Starting a project is not an easy task, which is why we look for the best ways to make it easy. This is where tools like the briefing come in. Here we tell you what it is and what are the main points you should take into account to make a good briefing. Don't miss this reading!

what is a briefing?

A briefing is a document that serves as a communication tool between the company and the client. This document is a guide for carrying out a project or task that is provided to the person or team that is going to carry it out. It should explain what the objective is, what is being sought with this project, why, the deadlines, the means that will be used, what actions will be carried out, etc.

In other words, we can say that it is a document that summarises everything about the planning, development, actions, and analytics that will be used for a project or task.

The brief is used so that the people in charge of the task have access to all the necessary information to set the project in motion.

When writing it, it must be clear that it is a document that changes according to the objectives, so it is not static, as well as being personalised for each client, action or project.

The main characteristics that a briefing should have are:

  • the document must be brief and concise.
  • it must be direct.
  • it should not include extra information, only that which is relevant.
  • understandable for all members of the company, avoiding technicalities.


Key points to make a good briefing

As we mentioned in the previous point, there is no standard brief that can be used for everything; they are personalised documents and each company produces its own. But we will show you the elements that should not be missing when it comes to creating a good brief:

  • the objectives: It is essential that this point is very clear, as the strategies and actions to achieve them will be based on these. Remember that the objectives have to be SMART.
  • target audience: Describing the company's target audience is another fundamental element. All actions are aimed at this audience, so having a clear profile of the ideal client (or buyer persona) should not be left to chance.
  • Strategies: Describe the most appropriate strategies to be implemented to achieve the objectives, in other words, know what has to be done and how it has to be carried out.
  • dissemination channels: You must also establish which channels will be used to disseminate the campaign and the message you want to convey to the public. Remember that you must be very clear about the profile of your buyer persona or ideal customer, so you will know which channels are the best.
  • metrics: KPIs are the metrics used to measure the campaigns and actions that are carried out. In digital marketing, this point is essential since everything that is not measured cannot be improved. The main metrics that you want to measure must appear in the briefing.
  • description of the company or client: This section is designed if it is the first time you are working with that brand, company or client. If it is the first contact between the two, it is normal to include this section to get to know the company in depth, its products and services, values, history, etc. It is useful because by getting to know the company you can make better proposals.
  • deadlines: It is important to define the deadlines for the execution of the actions. Obviously these are approximate, as it is difficult to determine very exact dates, unless campaigns are carried out for specific occasions. This point allows the teams to organise the resources and the employees, to set up the planning and agree on the deadlines to be met.
  • limitations and restrictions: It should be borne in mind that in some sectors there are a number of legal requirements, so it is important that this information is reflected in the briefing. This ensures that the work is carried out correctly and that no serious mistakes are made.
  • project budget: By reflecting the budget of the project, it allows the actions to be based on it. Although it is important to know how much money is available, it is not always a point that appears. Some companies look for different proposals and then adapt the budget to these.


In short, as you have read throughout the post, a brief is not a simple document. A good briefing can make the difference in your project, as it will help you to organise your ideas, get to know the company, its objectives and how to carry them out. Moreover, all this information is available to the members of your team, which facilitates communication and work.

Remember that it is a short and concise document, do not add information that is not strictly necessary.

we hope you enjoyed this post!

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