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Importance of video tutorials for business

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The last holidays of the year are approaching and we are going to take the opportunity to remember one of the most used video marketing formats in companies, one that will continue to be a revolution for 2020. We are talking about video tutorials, that perfect piece to get out of the way when written words are not enough to explain to users how a certain service works, the characteristics of a certain product or the process that follows X strategy.

While there is a wide variety of video types(corporate, motion graphics, 2D and 3D, 360 video, testimonials, animated gifs...), tutorials have become a perfect weapon to trigger knowledge and generate greater understanding in the audience.

Let's face it, people spend less and less time assimilating content through written texts. Manuals, FAQs, written guides, etc., are becoming obsolete compared to audiovisual pieces. To overcome this challenge, many companies are opting for video tutorials and, therefore, today we want to share with you what they are, what their characteristics are and what they are for.

are you going to miss it?

what are video tutorials and what are they for?

The video tutorial is a perfect learning tool for companies and users. They are perfect for creating manuals, video FAQs, learning guides, How to's, etc. in a much more creative and attractive way for the user. They are unique pieces that combine the effectiveness of expressing something in a natural way while clearly showing the steps to follow in the video.

Imagine for a moment that your company develops sports machines. In this case, your users would benefit from a creative video telling them how it works (buttons, cables, functionalities, programmes, features, applications, etc.). For this purpose, different resources are used, from high quality screenshots to role plays and actors explaining the process.

Video tutorials are highly recommended for companies that develop software or platforms where the terminology is very technical, and for those who need to frequently answer questions from their clients about certain processes (insurance companies, law firms, universities, hospitals, banks...).

The advantages that these companies obtain by sharing this format with users are as follows:

  • Easier distribution of knowledge in blogs, social networks, etc
  • Reproduction at any time and place
  • Transmission of knowledge in a much more effective and entertaining way that captures the attention of the audience; etc.

Many schools are also taking advantage of this format to use it as a pedagogical support for their students.

why is video tutorials important in companies?

You can already use them as part of your marketing strategy and explain how a product or service works. It will be much better to tell your customers about it with a creative video than with a long manual that is difficult to read, especially when it comes to highly technical concepts.

With so many questions about why use this format, there is only one way to answer: if you want your customers to understand how your products or services work, it is important that you make video tutorials of all their functionalities. Not only will it help them understand and know better what they are about, but you will also reduce the number of incidents and calls in the call centre.

Although they are a trend, they have been with us for a long time. Do you remember when words like streaming, blended-learning, webinars, MOC, etc. started to appear? All these formats are part of the explanatory and training process that companies use to tell their public about relevant points of their offer or activity. They are in line with video tutorials.

Differentiate yourself, be creative, offer quality, share on social networks, move with SEO and boost your possibilities.

what does the video tutorial bring to the companies that use it?

  • Professionalism.

Although the majority of companies already have a website, many of them still do without the presence of video. The fact that a customer lands on your site, has a question and finds a video that solves it has a lot of merit. And ENGAGEMENT. It will arouse confidence in the user, especially if it is well done, because it will show that you invest your time in explaining your company and your product.

  • Visibility.

The human brain is designed to process images and sounds, and video is your better half. They are a great help in climbing the Google search page rankings. If you are going to use video and optimise it, start multiplying your chances of appearing in this ranking by 50.

  • Conversion.

Your visits will go up like crazy, and many of them will end up becoming sales opportunities and customers.

  • Value.

You are a different brand and the video knows it. It highlights the best of you, your differential value and makes you flourish against your competitors' products and services on your website. And if they are eye-catching videos, all the better.

Remember one thing... It doesn't matter if your brand has been on the market for 10, 20 or more years and is already 100% established, or if it has just been launched. It doesn't matter if you are a recent start-up. Video tutorials are for everyone because there are no limits to what you can offer your audience. Do you want a demonstration? Ask us without obligation .

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