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How to gain followers on TikTok organically

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Tiktok has become one of the most popular social networks in society. It currently has more than 500 million users, which is why many companies are using it to gain a foothold and expand their products or services. But in order to reach the maximum number of people, having followers is a fundamental step. Today we are going to tell you some ways to achieve this. You can't miss them!

The best tips for gaining followers on the TikTok network

  1. define your profile well. First you must select a high quality profile image that defines you and is attractive to users. Then, choose a short and easy to remember username. And finally, provide all the information you consider necessary to empathise with your followers in your biography .
  2. interact with the most influential people. Interact, for example, by liking the posts of influential profiles that are related to yours. You can also attract the attention of these users with original, new and funny comments.
  3. post quality content. TikTok is an entertainment platform, so the main objective of your content should be to entertain. Originality is a key factor when producing content, because if you just copy what other famous tiktokers do, your video will become just another one without much interest. Therefore, try to take some risks in your videos, but always following your own style.
  4. achieve a greater reach by posting at peak times. The best times to post are usually between 11am and 5pm, but our recommendation is that you study your followers' behaviour and get to know their habits. This will also make it easier to create a posting calendar that will allow you to better organise your activity and not waste time.
  5. participate in #challenges. Viral challenges are the star of this social network. They usually consist of recording a video accompanied by a specific sound that involves singing, dancing or any kind of performance. Use TikTok hashtags to make your content more accessible and increase the number of followers.

Cómo ganar seguidores en TikTok de manera orgánica

  1. share your content on other social networks. If you are already present on other social networks and have a certain number of followers, share some of the content you make on TikTok and create a buzz. Encourage them to visit this new platform and, if they see that you offer them quality content that is different from the other profiles, they will join you and follow your steps on TikTok .
  2. collaborate with other tiktokers. Including other people in your videos occasionally enriches the content and, if that person already has a certain number of followers, it will help boost your profile. Choose well who you want to collaborate with and make sure it's someone as fun as you are.
  3. be active on the network: to succeed on TikTok it's important to be active, but if you post a lot and in a lot of followings, you can make users get tired of your content
  4. use video editing apps. If you use video editing apps you will be able to make your videos more spectacular, which will allow you to reach more people and make more people follow you because of how well made your videos are. Some of the best ones are, for example, Canva, InShot, VivaVideo or KineMaster .
  5. interact with your followers: It is important that your followers feel important and that they also feel close to you. Interact with them in your videos, answer their comments, allude to one of them in your next recordings or live shows, etc. Make challenges for your audience.
  6. haz retos para la audiencia. Por último, algo que atrae mucho es que lances retos a la audiencia, es decir, que aquellos que te ven hagan algo que tú hayas propuesto. Además, este es un sistema muy bueno para interactuar con tus seguidores y que ellos mismos viralicen tu contenido, ya que te harán mención en sus videos y más personas podrían conocerte de esta manera. Igualmente, otra de las cosas que podrán hacer son los dúos de TikTok, algo que también ayuda mucho a que otros usuarios te conozcan y quieran ser tus seguidores al ver como interactúas con todos los que te siguen. Con ellos, puedes usar un vídeo publicado en internet para añadir tu propia grabación, puedes usar el vídeo de un amigo o famoso y publicarlo con la pantalla dividida o también tienes la posibilidad de incluir tu propia voz. Así, también puede que se interesen por ti los seguidores de tus amistades o incluso fans de los famosos que incluyes en tus publicaciones.

Cómo ganar seguidores en TikTok de manera orgánica

We hope our tips today will help you gain followers as quickly as possible and your marketing business will expand and grow. Thank you for reading us!

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