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how Twitter works - tips for success on the social network

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Twitter is one of the most popular social networks around the world, with more than 390 million users, making it one of the most used social networks in the world.

It is thanks to its popularity that makes it an ideal tool to promote yourself and make your company, brand or project profitable. In this article we will tell you what Twitter is, how it works and we will give you some tips to succeed in this social network. Don't miss this reading!

what is Twitter?

Twitter is a free social network that allows you to write short messages quickly and easily. It has a character limit of 280 characters per post, and these messages are known as tweets or tweets. Currently, you can add video, photos, polls, links, gifs and emojis to these mini-publications.

It is used by any type of person, in this social network there is not a very marked age target, you can find from teenagers to older people or companies from different sectors.

It is generally used to share news, opinions, reflections, memes, etc. For many it is a source of information, as in a few words you can find out what is happening in the world.

The importance of this social network is such that many important news has been spread before any other media, because any user can post what is happening very quickly.

This platform works through its mobile application, both for Android and iOS devices, and has an online version, so anyone with a smartphone, tablet or laptop with an internet connection can create an account and start interacting.


how does it work?

This social network is very simple and intuitive, in just a few minutes you can get to grips with the dynamics of the app, as you just write your message and tweet it, or in other words, publish it.

Once you have created your account, you will have followers, who will be the users who follow your profile, and followed, those profiles you want to follow.

The publications, as we have already mentioned, are called tweets. You will see the tweets of the people you follow, the retweets and favourites they make, and your followers will see yours.

A RT or retweet is when you share a publication that you have liked, you can just hit the RT button or add a message. Favourites, as in any other social network, are those tweets that you have liked, and you just have to click on the heart to add them to the favourites section of your profile.

Its operation is simple, it consists of sharing and viewing information, memes, advice, opinions, videos, stories, etc. Anything you can think of can be published on this social network.

One of Twitter's characteristics is that, as it has a limitation on each of its posts, what is known as a "thread" was born. A Twitter thread is nothing more than writing a tweet, adding the word thread at the end to indicate to users that you are going to continue with that topic, and then replying to each tweet so that they appear in order. It is the way that users found to extend themselves in the face of the 280 character limitation.

Tips for success on twitter

Twitter is an easy way to get started in the digital world, firstly because creating an account requires no effort or great knowledge, and secondly because it is an ideal place to promote your business or personal brand. On this social network you can interact with your followers, get potential customers, build loyalty with those you already have, communicate news about your business and share quality and valuable content for your audience.

Here is a short list of tips to help you succeed on Twitter:

  • hashtags are those words or short phrases that go together with this symbol "#". Using hashtags can be very effective to achieve greater impact in your publications. The best is 1 or 2 per tweet and always related to what you post.

  • optimise your profile as much as possible. It is important that you have a good profile and cover photo, and if you are a company that it is your corporate image so as not to confuse the audience. Create a brief biography, but one that defines you. You must have all the information in your profile completed.

  • interact with your followers. Whether you have a business or you are looking to grow on the web on a personal level, it is important to interact and communicate with your community. The good thing about social networks is that they are a point of contact and make the relationship between company - client closer.
    In addition, by talking to your audience you get to know their opinions, which can help you to get to know them better and improve your products, brand or services.
  • write but also share. You can't only share information about yourself, you will overload your followers. Retweet tweets from your followers and this way you will get a relationship with others, who can also share you.

  • choose well the content you share. You must choose well the images, videos, gifs, etc. with which you accompany your copys, in short, make attractive content.

  • write daily, analyse the best times to post, it is not necessary to post all day, but an average of 5 posts per day, you have to be active so that people do not forget about you.

  • know your audience well. In all digital marketing strategies, knowing your audience is the basis. If you know who you are targeting, their tastes and needs, it will be easier for you to create content. Create a buyer persona profile to give personality to your perfect follower, and publish with them in mind.

Cómo hacer vídeo marketing en Twitter

Now you know what the social network Twitter is all about, what its main functions are and the tips to succeed on it. Now it's time for you to put these tips into action!

If you don't have an account, we encourage you to open one. If you already have one, take advantage of this post to put these tips into action.

we hope you enjoyed reading this post!

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