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How to enhance your personal brand

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In this article we will provide you with some basic tips to optimally develop your personal brand. Take note!

Top 10 tips to boost your personal brand

  1. show yourself visible and accessible. One of the first tips to develop your personal brand is related to the ability to be active. By this we mean that you have to show yourself visible and accessible. The growth of a personal brand is closely linked to its ability to be visible and interact with others. A static profile is doomed to die and, what is worse, to add negative consequences for your personal identity.

  2. seek inspiration from an icon. To progress in any facet it is necessary to learn from the best, from those who have had and are having some success in what they do. It is not a question of copying their methods and actions, but to be aware of the key points that have made them stand out from the rest.

  3. create synergies with other professionals. In today's globalised world, growing professionally on an individual basis can be a very difficult path. The more contact and learning, experiences or collaborations you get from other professionals, the more you will grow and become a better professional.

  4. pay attention to the image. There is no successful personal brand that is not associated with an image and this image must respond to the qualities and characteristics that characterise this personal brand. In other words, personal image and brand must be linked: one must speak of the other and vice versa. Also, this must be taken care of in detail and be as professional as possible. No homemade, dark, blurred editions and, in general, quality photos that are appropriate for what you want to represent.

  5. develop a community around your brand. When we develop a personal brand we promote it on different platforms in order to reach the widest possible audience. Both on blogs and social networks, the message has to reach people so that they can comment, generate interaction, talk about us... Find your niche


  1. find your niche. Working and developing a professional brand focused on the wrong work or business niche is a real waste of time. The personal brand must support a personal and professional identity capable of differentiating itself from the competition. Therefore, the search for a niche requires a complete act of reflection and self-study.

  2. a good design is essential. At this point, you will already know that a personal brand is based on a coherent and homogeneous message in all its facets. From the niche to the promotion platforms, message and image... and all this under an appropriate design that enhances the development of the brand. Design is image and as such it must be done in a professional, logical and rational way. In this sense, minimalist and uncluttered sites are recommended. The design must be homogeneous for all your dissemination platforms.

  3. differentiate yourself from your competitors. In your niche or sector there are hundreds or thousands of people who offer your services, qualities or develop their personal brand similar to yours. You have to know how to differentiate yourself from the rest to rise above them.

  4. use social networks to boost your brand. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Google + and Facebook are the main options to know and know how to use. Similarly, each social network has its own characteristics and marketing strategies, hence the importance of its optimal use to strengthen your personal brand. For example, Facebook is the social network with the most users and is focused on communication between users and followers. It is ideal to use it to build audience loyalty, while on Twitter the message is smaller and is more designed to provide information.

  5. patience and quality, the keys to success. Patience, perseverance and quality content are the basic ingredients to reap rewards at the end of the road. The personal brand lives from the audience and you have to give them information, data, interaction... reasons for them to stay with your brand. In addition to good content, you have to have a routine of interaction on social networks and different platforms in order to give more visibility to your brand. All these types of actions must be organised and well programmed in order to provide a coherent and meaningful balance.

Cómo potenciar tu marca personal

thank you for reaching the end of our article! We hope that you have been able to take note of many ideas on how to strengthen and develop your personal brand. Remember that building a personal brand is a long-distance race in which the biggest obstacle is to give up and leave things halfway.

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